Saturday, October 24, 2009

Homemade Tortillas and Turkey Fajitas

On a Saturday night, while my hubby was watching football, I needed to throw a meal together. I had been planning to make fajitas, but didn't realize we were out of tortillas.
I decided to make some from scratch.
I remember making them when I was growing up with oil, flour, salt and water.
I just couldn't remember the exact porportions.
I had some turkey breast fillets in the fridge, so I threw together the fajita marinade I usually use and let the meat marinate for awhile. Not as long as it should have, but I didn't have a ton of time.
I sliced up an onion and some bell peppers and made the tortilla dough.
While the dough was resting, I cooked up my turkey/onion/pepper mixture and then covered that, to keep it warm, while I made the tortillas.

My kids loved the tortillas. I thought they were pretty good, but next time I will probably use melted butter or olive oil for a little bit more flavor.

Flour Tortillas
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
2 Tbls canola oil or melted butter
3/4-1 cup water

mix together flour and salt. Stir in oil. Add water bit by bit, stirring until dough forms. Knead until smooth. Divide dough in half, then in half again, and one more time, so that you have 8 dough balls. Cover the dough and let it rest.
When ready to make tortillas, sprinkle a little flour on a clean surface. Roll out dough as thinly as you can.
Warm a saute pan over medium heat. Place a tortilla in the hot pan and when bubble form, turn it over to the other side. It only takes about 1-2 minutes per side, or less.
Continue with other dough balls until all tortillas are formed.

One Year Ago-Raspberry Cream Sandwiches and Graham PB Bon Bons


Mireya said...

Looks tasty! My grandma uses (dare I say it) shortening in her flour tortillas.

Meghan said...

Wow I've never even thought to make my own tortillas! These looks so delicious and fresh. Can't wait to try it out!

Unknown said...

I was just trying to make corn tortillas yesterday. They so didn't turn out. The flavor was awesome, but I couldn't get them to peel off the wax paper in one piece. I was so frustrated I ended up tossing everything in the garbage. I think I'll just give these a shot now. haha

~~louise~~ said...

Hi Mary Ann,
Wow!!! You made your own tortillas. How cool is that? I just did a post on the food of Argentina for United Nations Day and discovered Niños envueltos are sometimes referred to as tortilla “envelopes."

Thanks for sharing...

Sweet as Coco said...

I always run out of tortillas...what a great idea!!!

Nina said...

Beautiful job! :)

Chocolaty Lifestyle said...

Oh I have to try to make tortillas at least! Thanks for the recipe! :)

Kerstin said...

I'm so impressed your made your own tortillas, they look great!

Alexis said...

I am SO making this! I love making things homemade, it just seems to taste way better. Thanks for the recipe!

Kayte said...

Looks perfect for ballgame day! I have actually, gasp, made my own tortillas (both corn and flour) for years...who knew??? Yours look great!

Anonymous said...

Your tortillas look wonderful!

Sarah said...

I've never made tortillas, but I'm going to have to give these a shot!

Steph said...

Wow!! I'm too afraid to making my own 'bread-type' food because I can imagine how tough and chewy mine would be. Those look pretty good!