Don't you just want to try a spoonful of that Pomegranate Molasses? Trust me, you do. You really, really do.
Today is my 8th Anniversary. Every year my husband and I take a special anniversary trip. We take turns planning it and surprising the other person with the location. My husband started this on our 1st anniversary, even though we had a 1-week old baby and we have gone away, at least for 1 night (when we have had small babies at home) or for a few days, every anniversary since.
I was so excited because this year was my turn to plan and we didn't have a small infant. I found a great deal on airplane tickets and planned our trip months in advance.
Needless to say, it isn't going to happen. (I won't go into all the details, but the exact dates conflicted with a work thing, etc) and a couple of weeks ago my hubby got a call from a former employer. So, today my hubby is getting in his 2-door Honda Civic and driving to Georgia, because we are moving back. It will be sad to leave family and friends here, but luckily, we have family and friends anxiously awaiting our arrival.
He took a great job and has to be there Friday morning. He was going to leave tomorrow, but I wasn't sure about him trying to make a 30-hour drive in 2 days, alone. So, the only option was for him to drive away on the morning of our anniversary. Bittersweet? maybe. But, not to worry. We will be joining him in a couple of months, after school gets out, when summer is in full swing. I can't wait for the heat and humidity! Plus, he said I can take his turn to plan next year. Hawaii- here we come! (Maybe?)
Ok, enough about all that. On to the fabulous Homemade Pomegranate Molasses. This stuff is wonderful. I was looking for a great use for all the Pomegranate juice I had (Thank you Diana, the POM Blogger). And wanted to do something besides a great drink. I had read about Pomegranate Molasses and decided this would be a great time to give it a shot. You don't really have to do much, except for watch the molasses when it gets near the syrup stage. I didn't think much of it when I tasted it at first, but after it sat in the fridge overnight, I was pretty much ready to eat it straight from the jar. Tart and sweet at the same time. There is just something about it.
I found a cupcake recipe that called for pomegranate molasses in the batter and I gave them a try. Dense and delicious. If you have pomegranate juice and want to make something fabulous, try out this molasses. I will have more recipes coming soon, that use it as a garnish and flavor booster.
Do you love the photo I scanned from my wallet? a little wear and tear, but still looking pretty good after 8 years!

Awww . . . so sorry you have to spend your anniversary apart! What a beautiful couple you were and are. I love the looks of these cupcakes and shall be making some pomegranate molasses soon!! Thanks so much for showing us how! Happy Anniversary anyways, and good luck on the move. Sounds like something you are really looking forward to! XXOO
Happy anniversary Mary Ann. Something tells me your husband will have a surprise waiting for you when you get there. You look like such a Happy couple.
My son-in-law may have to follow a job to PA while my daughter stays in Idaho for the next year or so...such are the times, I suppose...
I've been hesitant to try anything pomegranate! I'm not quite sure why...I will save your instructions just in case I should decide. Thanks for sharing...
Great!!! Happy Birthday...always read your blog it´s great...
Happy Anniversary!! I love your tradition, sad your hubby is away today...and you are moving??? What?? You are leaving Utah??? At least you are moving to warm weather. Best wishes for you and your family. Maybe we can actually get together before you go. It would be fun!! The cupcakes look awesome!!
Happy anniversay Mare! The pomegranate molasses sounds delicious. Even though I've made more cupcakes than I could ever eat lately I would love to give this one a try. It would be nice if I could scale them down to one cupcake though, there are just way too many recipes!! Again, thanks for the link for the buttermilk cupcakes. They are very moist, but just a little too coarse. Hmm.. I'm starting to wonder if I can ever find 'the' recipe?!
Happy Anniversary! So good luck on your big move to Georgia! That's great that you have friends and family there.
You're right, that pomegranate molasses looks irresistible; I love all the flavors going on in this post :).
Welcome back to the South!
Making your own pomegranate molasses sounds like a great idea.
Mary Ann-
I do not share your love for cooking, but I read this blog all the time. I love the pictures, and all the fun ideas, even if I never actually make any of the recipes.
Happy Anniversary, and good luck to Matt (and the rest of you eventually) in Georgia.
Happy Anniversary, Mare! What a beautiful picture of you two! Sorry you'll have to deviate from your tradition this year, but hopefully you can double the length of your trip next year. These cupcakes look great -- wow, that pomegranate molasses looks good!
Happy Anniversary!! What a beautiful couple! I'm happy your husband has a great job opportunity and that you get to be close to your friends again. We look forward to hearing about sweet tea and other southern comforts. Great looking pom molasses. (I just buy the molasses in my local ethnic store - wow! you made it!)
Happy, wonderful anniversary!!! Too bad you can't take your anniversary trip, but I understand the reasons--which way cool. I'm happy for your family. It sounds like a great opportunity and adventure.
And the pomegranate molasses. I've been waiting for the recipe...and then you got me with the frosting. I love, love mascarpone. YUM!
Happy Anniversary!
So, this means I have to meet you before you move!
Thanks for sharing all that with us. What a great wedding photo of the two of you! Sorry you were not together this year. Happy Anniversary and many, many more!
awww...that is bittersweet. happy anniversary---sounds like you will celebrate big-time next year! that molasses is amazing-looking! and great wedding pic!
happy anniversary! Sorry you have to spend it apart...GL with the move!
Aw cute picture!!!
And great recipes :)
Awww! Ya'll are the cutest couple. Happy anniversary! Have a cupcake for me. They'll magically transport your husband to you.
Happy Anniversary! You can hopefully do something really fun when you are back together. And, yes, I'll take a couple spoonfuls of that molasses. Gorgeous!
Oh. Wait!! Leaving Utah. Say it isn't so! I can understand though, but we will miss you. I think we are going to have to try to throw a get together before you go. Email me when you get a chance.
Happy anniversary!
I love your wedding pic- you look so gorgeous and sweet and everything a hopeful young bride should be. I can't believe you are moving to GA! That's it-I have to get up there and meet you before school gets out. Happy Lonely Anniversary and hopefully you can make up for it next year!
What a great photo of you guys! Happy Anniversary a little late! And I hope everything goes well for him and for all of you!
Just stumbled on your recipe, this is awesome! We have a large Mediterranean specialty store here and a while ago I bought a bottle of commercial pomegranate molasses on a whim and it has been sitting in my fridge ever since waiting for me to find a use for it. Oh, and I happen to have a few tangerines too...
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