Breakfast- Oatmeal- 1/2 cup rolled oats (made with 1 cup water), 1/2 cup original almond milk, a handful of frozen berries
Mid-Morning Snack- reduced fat cheese stick, 1/3 cup sugar snap peas, 1 mandarin orange, 10 almonds
Lunch- 1 small LaTortilla Whole Wheat tortilla with sauteed (already cooked) sweet potato, swiss chard, zucchini, black beans and a sprinkle of feta cheese, broiled
Afternoon snack- handful of cherry tomatoes
Post workout snack- 8 oz TruMoo Chocolate milk
Dinner- Veggie and Chicken Frittata (similar to this Frittata) - I had leftover steamed green beans & cooked chicken, so I quickly sauteed asparagus, spinach and zucchini, put all of that on the bottom of a 9*13-inch pan, then whisked 8 eggs together, seasoned with a little salt and pepper, poured it over topped and sprinkled very lightly with crumbled feta cheese
Roasted Cauliflower (I used olive oil cooking spray and 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil) on the side
Roasted Cauliflower (I used olive oil cooking spray and 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil) on the side
Exercise- Ran 4.5 miles at 5k pace
30 minute Pilates video
2 mile walk with kids after school

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