This week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection was Cottage Cheese Pufflets, chosen by Jacque over at Daisy Lane Cakes. You can find the recipe on her blog.
I didn't love these, but since I made them I have thought of some possible reasons why:
1- I made 6 other desserts on the day I made these- blondies, cupcakes, angel food cake, etc. and these cookies just happened to be the fussiest of the bunch. By the time I got around to rolling them out I was already exhausted and ready for my bake-a-thon to be over.
2- They were super sticky and required lots of chilling and re-chilling time- once again, not what I was looking for on a day when I was in a hurry to get loads of things baked. And since my brain was frazzled I completely spaced the whole idea of using flour to help with the rolling and cutting.
3. I accidentally baked them at 350 degrees instead of 400 degrees. They didn't puff much and took forever to become slightly golden. A few days later I realized that I had been baking all day and didn't change the temperature of the oven. So, I am guessing the lack of temp might have affected how they looked and such.
All that being said, I still had compliments on the taste and I am thinking that if I made them again with the right conditions, I would probably have a better experience. I filled mine with raspberry jam.
See what the other TWD Bakers thought by checking out the TWD Blogroll.
On a side note- I was tagged by Tracey, so here you go!
One Year Ago-Cocoa Buttermilk Cake with PB Frosting, Peach Pie, and Banana Bundt

Your pufflets look beautiful, even if they were a pain to make! I am just so impressed that you made all of those desserts in one day!!!
They look great. I made these while making a bunch of other things too and when the dough was cooperating I wanted to scream. I did think they were tasty though.
I think your pufflets look amazing, but I agree on the fussiness factor! On another note, can't believe you baked 7 desserts in one day! You are super woman!!!
They look delicious! But I could see when making so many desserts that just one more could be the bane of your existence.
Wow, you made a lot of desserts and I would be so pooped, too! The fact that you made these, you are a true baking diva! ;)
I converted this recipe into fillo (phylo) cottage cheese cups instead. They tasted great!
Sounds like you've been baking up a storm! Well, I think they look really lovely. I think this is the first cottage cheese dessert I've seen, so I had to comment :).
The Pufflets look great and Puffy:). The dough scared me.
I think your pufflets lok lovely and very nicely risen! It's funny, but as I go through the blogroll, I notice that no one's have really browned. I wonder whether the cottage cheese is a factor in that.
Nice, brown, and flaky. They look just perfect. These were good, but were fussy to make.
I know you are glad the marathon is over, but isn't it fun to send a whole day baking??
I love a good baking marathon! It's been a while for me, though. I skipped out this week on the pufflets. They look good, though.
wow you've been busy!! mine didn't puff up a lot either but they were delicious. yours are super cute!
Your pufflets look great! Sorry they were such a headache for you...
Yeah, these would just be annoying if baked on a day when there was a lot of other things going on in the kitchen! We liked them, but it was all I was making that day! I think yours look delicious! And I enjoyed reading your alphabet list!
Ooh, they look great!
I should have thrown my leftover dough in the trash, since I now have to say I ate that whole galette in two days by myself. Shh. Glad that's overwith! ;)
Well, they look lovely. Still in awe over that day of baking you did...I could never do all that in one day in a million years! Kudos to you.
The pufflets look cute... in spite of the struggles.
I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers too. :)
These were a hard cookie to love, I agree. I'm glad they at least tasted good, a small reward for all of your troubles.
Thanks for baking along this week :)
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