Sunday, September 19, 2010

Savory Oats and Kale

Have you ever tried oats in a savory recipe? The first time I tried oats in this way was when I made this Steel-Cut Oat Risotto
and it was amazing.

I made this recipe for Savory Oats and Kale a couple of months ago and I can't remember quite how I came upon the recipe but we absolutely loved it. It has dark greens, which are always a hit- in this case kale and was just a really comforting dish.

I also noticed just a couple days ago in a food magazine that there were a bunch of recipes that used oats in savory ways, so I think the idea must be catching on.

Take a break from your usual morning oatmeal and try oats this way- it is a fun way to mix up your whole grains!

Recipe for Savory Oats and Kale
* this recipe called for oat groats, but I used steel-cut oats since that is what I had on hand
* I didn't have a leek, so doubled the amount of onion called for


  1. Something I would never think to do!

  2. I have never had savory oats before. But this recipe looks so worth trying.


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Mary Ann