Friday, September 17, 2010

S'mores Cookies

When my sister was here visiting in August, we cooked dinner a couple of times together at my mother-in-law's house, (which also happens to be her mother-in-law since we married brothers)
and one day we decided we needed to make some cookies.
I had seen this recipe online and wanted to try it, so I figured this was the perfect opportunity since there would be lots of kids around.

I mixed up the dough and took it over to my mil's house. I baked the cookies while we were getting dinner ready and then we all enjoyed them before we watched a movie together.
These were pretty popular all around.
The combination of the oats and whole wheat flour give the cookie a nice texture that is slightly reminiscent of graham crackers. There is also a little bit of cinnamon which goes nicely with the other flavors. And who can resist toasted marshmallows? I don't know, but not very many people in my family can.

Recipe for S'mores Cookies
* I used dark chocolate squares for some of the cookies, but also used some plain old Hershey's chocolate for those who prefer milk chocolate


  1. This cookie looks heavenly - especially with that toasted marshmallow on top. YUM!!!

  2. ohhhhhhhh i so need chocolate in my life!!! i'll just bookmark it til I can eat it

  3. S'mores are a beautiful beautiful thing!

  4. S'mores are another reason I want to come to the States! I want to try them in their natural habitat ;P


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Mary Ann