Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Peppermint Ice Cream

There are so many delightful holiday flavors and I love almost all of them.
One of my favorites right now is Peppermint.
I made a Cooking Light version of Peppermint Ice Cream last year, and while it was pretty good for a lighter choice, with ice cream, I think that the real, full fat version produces better results. My family definitely agreed with me on that when I made this ice cream.
This recipe came from Simply Recipes, which happens to be the place where I found one of our favorite ice cream recipes earlier this year-Mint Chocolate Chip.

I happened to have 8 egg yolks in my fridge, leftover from my daughters birthday cake, so this recipe was the perfect way to use them.

This ice cream was silky, smooth and perfectly peppermint-y.
My husband loved it. He ate most of it. And whenever he loves the ice cream I make, I consider it a huge success.
This ice cream was so creamy and delicious. The perfect peppermint treat!

Recipe for Peppermint Ice Cream
* I used 2 cups whole milk and 2 cups heavy cream
* I used 2 tsp Peppermint extract


  1. Yum, once I saw the title of this post I instanly thought how yummy this would be sandwhiched between chocolate cookies!

  2. I am dying fave thing at Christmas is Pepstick Icecream!

  3. I love the color! It is gorgeous, I think I need to buy some pepperming icecream for xmas eve

  4. Gee, haven't visited in a while! Love peppermint, especially at Christmas! Thanks for the great ideas!

  5. Lo-ve-ly! I loved this recipe and the picture: So original! Thanks for sharing it!

    Doña Masita

  6. Oh how I wished Ice Cream loved me as much as I love it! This would be one of my favorites!

  7. Oh.. so pretty. It looks perfect for this Christmas!!

  8. There's not much better than homemade ice cream. It was actually a summer treat when I was growing up. The holidays was always about pies and hot spiked cider.

    But with Peppermint Ice Cream like this I think I might be convinced to blow the dust bunnies off the ice cream maker and make a batch. Yum!

  9. Even though it has been crazy cold in NYC I would welcome a few scoops of this ice cream anytime.


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Mary Ann