Friday, December 10, 2010

Butternut Squash Baked Risotto

It's been awhile since I talked about risotto.
I saw this recipe in a recent issue of EveryDay Food magazine and thought it would be fun to try since it is not a traditional way to cook risotto.
The risotto is started off on the stove top, but then finishes cooking in the oven.
It kind of kills the notion that to get that creamy beautiful texture you have to spend forever stirring away. I already knew that you don't have to stir risotto the whole time.

So, I started this off in my saute pan and transferred it to a 9*13-inch glass dish to finish it in the oven.
I was a little skeptical when I put it in the oven, as to whether or not it would still have that creamy texture. While the rice on the very top was a little bit drier than that on the bottom of the dish, the overall texture was very nice and risotto-ish.
This was a great recipe and a fun take on the classic preparation of risotto.
I would make it again in a heartbeat.

And I just want to say that whoever said risotto doesn't taste good re-warmed is very wrong. These leftovers are good cold, slightly warm and hot.

Recipe for Butternut Squash Baked Risotto
* I used swiss chard, stems included
* I started this dish in my saute pan and transferred it to a 9*13-inch glass dish when I put it into the oven


  1. I have my sceptical face on too... but if you say it works~ that is good enough for me.
    How can you go wrong? Butternut Squash and Risotto.

  2. I love risotto mary Ann esprcially with butternut squash..definitely one of my favourites.


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Mary Ann