Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cooking Light's Classic Banana Bread Muffins with Nutella Swirl

We go through banana stages. Sometimes we eat them like crazy and everyone is begging for more once they are gone and sometimes, they just sit there. And turn yucky colors; begging to be turned into something much more delicious than just a plain old banana.

I think I have tried every Cooking Light recipe for Banana Bread that they have ever invented or published. Such as Coconut Banana Bread with Lime Glaze (my personal fave), Bluberry-Lemon Banana Bread with Cream Cheese Glaze, Marbled-Chocolate Banana Bread, Molasses-Oat Banana Bread, Cardamom Banana Bread with Pistachios, Orange-Banana Nut Bread, etc. I think you get the idea.

I have also made their Classic Banana Bread before, which is the recipe I used for these muffins.
I saw a post over on Barbara's blog, Barbara Bakes where she swirled Nutella into the banana bread batter and I knew I would have to do that too.

Some people debate the combination of bananas and chocolate, but not in this house.
These were the perfect afternoon snack and we also took some to a friends house to share.

I used half whole wheat flour, swirled about 3/4 tsp of nutella into the top of each muffin.
Baked them for 18 minutes and they were done.

Recipe for Classic Banana Bread

Barbara's post about Banana Nutella Bread


  1. These sound so good!! Thanks for the idea - I will definitely be making these asap. My neighbor loves banana and chocolate and she's having surgery today so maybe I'll make these and deliver them to her tomorrow :)

  2. I am so picky about bananas. I only like them when they are barely ripe (green) and once they get a single brown spot, into the freezer they go for banana bread. Definitely need to try this!

  3. My house loves the banana and chocolate combination too! I know there is no point in making banana bread without chocolate of some kind in it. My favorite recipe is the one in the Silver Palate Cookbook! I do like the Nutella idea though too!

  4. Thanks for including links to my post! This really is a great combination. Muffins are a fun idea. That way you can get Nutella in every bite!

  5. These look so good! And I agree - chocolate and banana are great together in my book!

  6. I love this combo - I think Nutella makes everything better!

  7. Two favorite flavors combined! These look fantastic.

  8. Can't wait to try this recipe! Sound delish ...

  9. These looks so yummy. I love hoe the hazelnut wirl is still visable

  10. I love this idea! I just bought some Nutella and was thinking about what to make with it. Banana bread would be much healthier than Nutella brownies!


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Mary Ann