Tuesday, February 9, 2010

TWD-Rick Katz's Brownies for Julia

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, Rick Katz's Brownies for Julia, was chosen by Chocolatechic. You can find the recipe on her blog.
I know I am the strangest person on the planet, but believe me when I say- Brownies do absolutely nothing for me. I hardly ever make them just because I don't crave them. They are my son's fave dessert, but I don't make them very often.
I thought about skipping this recipe. Then I just decided to make them and give them away.

These brownies are unique because half of the egg/sugar mixture is just mixed into the batter and the other half of the egg/sugar mixture is whipped which results in a fudgy, smooth brownie.
I had to bake mine for 15 minutes more than the recipe called for because they were still liquid in the middle.
I let them set in the fridge overnight so I could cut them (they were still quite gooey) and that morning I sent them with my husband to work.
If you are a brownie lover, I suggest you try these, although I am sorry I can't comment on if they were great or not.
My hubby brought home an empty container from work, so obviously someone liked them!

Go check out everyone else's results, by browsing through the TWD Blogroll!!


  1. These were a big hit here with the guys, I have made them three times already. They liked the crunchy tops and I can see that yours had a crunchy top as well, big relief for me as I thought I had failed with that part and just where did that crunchy top appear from anyway??? Look great, probably just as well you don't like brownies as you saw the ingredient list: my oh my! Chocolate weeks are diet weeks for me!

  2. Did your son have any of these? Mine were quite runny when I baked them too, so I had to bake them again. They were pretty darned tasty, though.

  3. I love how your brownies turner out! Mine were quite wet in the center so they didn't look as appealing, but they really were amazing!

  4. Your brownies look delicious! Nicely done! These were a huge hit in our house.

  5. Great job on the brownies! I like fudgey brownies but will remember to cook them a bit longer.

  6. Funny, I would have completely agreed with you before this week - brownies weren't something I craved much either. I can't stop thinking about these brownies though!! Mine were really thin so I didn't have the underbaked issues - they were just fudgy and delicious :) Your look perfect - so rich!

  7. Your brownies look great. Mine were really moist in the center. They kind of oozed after I cut them. Sorry you don't like brownies but I'm glad you found some willing people to take them off your hands.

  8. Yeah, these were very, very gooey! I gave mine some extra bake time as well! I'm glad they were enjoyed! I brought mine to work today so we'll see how everyone likes them!

  9. Well your photo looks great. A lovely brownie! Sometimes it's nice to make something and just give it all away.

  10. Your brownies look great! Brownies are not the first thing I turn to when I am craving something sweet but this were delicious!

  11. They look perfectly fudgy! At least you don't have the temptation of eating brownies to deal with this week!

  12. Yours look perfect! I myself am a big brownie fan, and that's why I don't make them very often! Can't keep out of them when they are around!

  13. These brownies look delectable! I am always up for a fudgy brownie.

  14. I halved the recipe and still baked mine for 35 minutes! I just felt after 20 minutes it was still raw batter in the center and that just aint right. Glad I wasn't the only one that added more baking time.

  15. You are so fortunate not to have acquired the craving for brownies!

  16. Isn't it nice to send all the fattening treats to work with your man,I do the same thing. These brownies were the bomb!

  17. I wish I would have sent my brownies to work with my husband. I ate more than I needed to.

    Great pics. You should have kept one for yourself...delicious!!!

  18. Oh, I am a brownie lover, which is why I skipped these. I feared that I would not have any self-control around them! They sound like great brownies though, so I'll have to try them!

  19. those look perfect to me. Gooey in the middle. Chocolate. Brownie. Heaven.


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Mary Ann