Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TWD-Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

Tuesday's with Dorie in November is all mixed-up. We were given freedom to mix and match the selections for the month and the dates on which to post them.
These cookies, Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies, to be exact, were chosen by Pam of Cookies with Boys. You should go and check out Pam' s blog. She always features yummy dinners and dessert and has really cute little boys!
She will be posting the recipe on her blog for these cookies sometime this month. You can also find the recipe in Baking: from my home to yours by Dorie Greenspan. If you still don't own this book, you can also find the recipe online by searching for it. It has been posted on many blogs.

I wasn't planning on making these yet, but Kayte asked if anyone wanted to do a bake-along on twitter and I decided to go ahead and get these out of the way.

All I can say is these are delicious. If you love molasses, ginger-y, spicy, chewy cookies, you have to make these. I made the full batch and baked them for the shorter time noted, so that they would be crisp on the outside and chewy in the middle. They were absolutely perfect.
My kids loved them.
I froze most of them, so we wouldn't eat them all in one day and sent some to my family out in Utah, along with a few other cookies.
My younger brothers were very happy that I decided to share. One of my brothers took some to work with him and texted me to email him the recipe for some people at work.

Delicious. Spicy. Chewy. Seasonal.
I will make these again and again. I can't believe I haven't tried them before now. Yum.

Go and check out the TWD Blogroll to see what everyone else posted-these cookies, Apple-Cranberry Crisp, a Holiday Bundt Cake, or Chocolate-Caramel Chestnut Cake!


  1. I made these this week too and LOVED them! I almost didn't make them :) Yours are gorgeous!

  2. Your cookies look perfect! Weren't these such a home run!?? Made them last week and everyone is still talking about them!

  3. LOL, I didn't even consider freezing them, we ate them all in one day and I have made them several times since, including ones for the swim meet last weekend. Yours look great! Thanks for twitter baking...it's always fun when you know someone else is busy in their kitchen with the same thing!

  4. We loved them too but should have frozen them instead of eating them all in a hurry! Great job Mare!

  5. I made these last week, and they were just so great!

    I made the crisps for this week.

    So good!

  6. I really liked these cookies too. They were wonderful. Your cookies look fantastic and I'm glad they were such a hit. My husband and I have managed to finish them all off without sharing.

  7. Perfect picture.
    I made these, too, and can't wait to make them again and play around some more like I did.
    Great holiday cookies. I've actually liked them more as days go by than I did the day I made them.

  8. Great job Mary Ann - they look perfect! Glad they were such a hit! I really enjoyed these too, especially when I added them to the crumble for this week's SMS muffins :)

  9. These cookies were the bomb! They look wonderful!

  10. These were so good and I would have eaten them all in one sitting if I hadn't earmarked them for my soldiers. Yours look beautiful!

  11. Don't you love Kayte? I do, too. She is a real sweetie. Her and that Twitter!

    Your cookies look PERFECT!

    I made the cookies as well this week and they were sooooooo good. I am going to make more!

  12. How perfect are yours! I can't wait to make these. I'm thinking of using them on top of my crisp. Whatcha think?

  13. Yum they look so good and I love the picture! How sweet of you to send them to your family in Utah. Im sure they will love them! I plan to make these soon!

  14. Your cookies look awesome! So glad you enjoyed these! I am looking forward to make them!! Oh, and I would totally do a bake along with you and Kayte on Twitter!!!!

  15. I bet these smelled so good while baking!

  16. Your cookies look perfect! I'm obsessed with molasses spice cookies so I can't wait to bake these

  17. Beautiful cookies, I can't wait to make these!

  18. I'm in the cookie mode too and these look fabulous. Ilove a chewy cookie!

  19. These are a new go-to cookie for me, too. Yours look great!

  20. they were so good! i made the full recipe (which i almost never do)and have rolled dough balls in my freezer for quick treats!

  21. Oh, I so agree with your review of these! I loved them so much, and I didn't even think I liked spice cookies! This one is a keeper! Yours look perfect!

  22. These were really good. Yours look great.

  23. I'm so glad you baked along with me and that you liked the recipe! It's definitely one of my favorites now and I will be adding them to the holiday cookie list! They look perfect.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann