Thursday, November 12, 2009

CEiMB- Carrot, Green Apple and Mint Salad- tweaked

I wasn't sure about this week's Craving Ellie recipe, Carrot, Green Apple, and Mint Salad. But it was chosen by Jessica, who blogs over at A Singleton in the Kitchen, and who is my blogging/twitter friend. Her blog is great, lots of yummy recipes and she is in most of the baking/cooking groups I am in, so I decided to look at the recipe again and try it out.

My main concern with this recipe was that it was similar to coleslaw(which I don't like), due to the dressing ingredients, basically a combination of mayo and vinegar. I hate mayo. This is a well known fact to people that know me. I can't stand it in anything. The flavor and the very thought of it is just a no-no for me. Not in salads of any kind or grossly hanging off sandwiches or whatever. No mayo for me. No exceptions. If a recipe calls for mayo, I will sub plain or greek yogurt, but even then I don't like "wet" salads and really don't like the combination of mayo and vinegar and sugar. I love vinegar and sugar, just not mixed together.
Anyway, enough about all that.
I decided to make this salad in a way that would be appealing to me. I spend enough time in the kitchen to know how to tweak a recipe a little bit, so that it is yummy to my tastebuds.

I used greek yogurt, lemon juice and a tad of honey in my salad. (So, basically I just left out the mayo and the vinegar). I also just used whatever apple I had on hand, which was a braeburn, in my salad. I think it would have tasted better with a sour apple, which is why the recipe calls for Granny Smith, but I didn't have one.

I also didn't have mint, so I just subbed in some Italian parsley. Not exactly the recipe that Ellie created, but it was quite delicious to me and that is what really matters.

Check out the CEiMB Blogroll to see what the others thought about this salad!

Recipe for Carrot, Green Apple, and Mint Salad


  1. Thanks for making this salad with me! I'm glad that you tweaked it an made it to your liking. I think this is a great recipe to play around with.

  2. In total agreement regarding Mayo. If necessary I will use Soy sub. for mayo, but prefer to simply use yogurt.
    Also, I used a sweet green apple and agree with you in that the Granny's tartness may have made a pleasant difference.
    Great looking salad.

  3. This salad looks fresh, healthy and absolutely deliicous. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great photo! So glad you were able to tweek this to your liking! I love tweeking!!

  5. Yogurt is a great sub. It looks like a refreshing salad.

  6. Yum - I love your modifications! I don't hate mayo as much as you do, but I think a little goes a long way. Love what you did here, and glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Great cooking together......this salad was a pleasant surprise for me.....I really liked it!
    It's so nice to see everyone's pictures this week.....all so different and very colorful.....I love your blue plate!

  8. Hooray! Someone else who hates mayo! You are my long lost sister! :D

  9. I wasn't sure about the mayo but used it anyway. Great salad :)

  10. Nice subs! So, I'm guessing you don't like mayo, right? :o)


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Mary Ann