Monday, November 9, 2009

Black Bean Pumpkin Chili with Pumpkin Cornbread

Chili and cornbread. They go together this time of year. Some people don't care for either of them, like my hubby, so I rarely make either.
I saw a post on Real Mom Kitchen about this cornbread, which contains pumpkin puree and whole wheat flour and I was very intrigued. She got the recipe from The Recipe Girl, so I went over to Lori's site and found out that she served the pumpkin cornbread with a pumpkin chili. Sounded like a great combination.
At first I was going to half the recipe for the cornbread, but then my hubby told me some friends were going to be stopping by for dinner and I figured this was the perfect time to serve both of these foods.
I changed the pumpkin chili recipe up a bit. I do not like beef or ground beef, so I thought that I would make a bean chili, but then decided to add some lean ground turkey since there were going to be so many people eating with us.
I also added a zucchini, since I had one I needed to use, and black beans. I changed the spices, so that it would be mild enough for my kids to eat and switched the toppings.
The pumpkin puree in the chili is very subtle- it adds texture, but not so much flavor.

The pumpkin cornbread was fabulous. I love cornbread-I grew up eating it all the time, so I really liked this version. It had a hint of sweetness, great spices and a nice pumpkin flavor. The best part is that my kids all liked it! I couldn't believe it. None of them like regular cornbread, I think because of the texture, but this cornbread was a winner. I was so happy about it.
The pumpkin cornbread also tastes good the 2nd and 3rd day after it is made, which is usually a problem with cornbread because it dries out. The pumpkin keeps this one tasting good for leftovers.

The friends who were supposed to join us for dinner didn't make it, so I actually saved the chili and cornbread and invited some other friends over the next night. Great thing about chili is it tastes better after sitting in the fridge and being reheated. The flavors were great.
If you like a spicier chili, up the chili powder or add a jalapeno.
And try this cornbread, it is really good!
Black Bean Pumpkin Chili adapted from The Recipe Girl


  1. Sounds delicious. Love the colour of the cornbread. The perfect meal on a cold day

  2. Yay! Glad you liked. They really have to be served together, ya know?!

  3. Wow, these are two creative recipes. I love how you adapted them to your family's tastes. (Hope your husband didn't starve!) I'm especially interested in trying that cornbread.

  4. Oh yum!! And it's so freezing out!! Perfect

  5. I really want to try the cornbread but I think the whole meal looks delicious! I think it'll be perfect for the cold winter days heading my way.

  6. I am really intrigued by both of these recipes. The chili sounds really good.

  7. Mmmm pumpkin cornbread?!?! I love it! It looks so moist and delicious. I must make this! That's great that you found a way to get your kids to eat cornbread! I really like the idea of adding pumpkin to chili. Even though it doesn't add much flavor, the nutrients are there!

  8. that looks like such a nice and hearty meal. i like that there is pumpkin in the cornbread because it's usually so rough

  9. Both sound great! Perfect for the fall.

  10. Sounds so good. I love chili and cornbread! I will have to try the Pumpkin cornbread recipe now!

  11. Love the idea of pumpkin cornbread!!!

  12. Pumpkin chili...pumpkin cornbread, yep we are going to need a pumpkin intervention soon! Actually it all looks delightful and delicious. Now, what can I sub for that pumpkin???

  13. Amazing ways to use pumpkin! Thanks for sharing :)


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Mary Ann