Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fresh Cranberry Salsa with Cilantro, Lime and Jalapeno

I wasn't planning on posting about any of the things I made for Thanksgiving, but everytime I eat some of this Cranberry Salsa that was leftover, I think about how good it is and how I should really share it. The picture is from a few days after I made it, so you can't see the intense green of the cilantro and jalapeno, but the flavor is still there. This salsa was so delicious on turkey and I have been eating it on almost anything since then. It is good with pita chips, on crackers with cheese, with fresh cut-up veggies, on salad greens, sandwiches, etc. It is so good. It has a nice spicy bite, thanks to the jalapenos, but it isn't too strong. Just the way I like it. Plus, right now there are still lots of fresh cranberries available and this would be a great dish to share at any holiday dinner, get-together, or for an ordinary day.

Here is the recipe for Fresh Cranberry Salsa with Cilantro, Lime and Jalapeno
* I used about 2 Tbls less sugar than the recipe called for, but used white granulated sugar and not a sugar substitute


  1. This sounds delicious. I've never seen anything like it. I can imagine it being the new "sweet chilli sauce" (in a sense of the fact that I put it on everything!) yum!! Mexican style cranberry sauce perhaps?! I am desperate to try this!

  2. I have to try this, it looks DELICIOUS!! I would eat that with some turkey right now!!!!!!

  3. WOW - now this soudns truly incredible I bet it would be brilliat on a leftover roast turkey sandwich. I'll be enjoying this after Christmas dinner.


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Mary Ann