Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brown Rice with Black Beans

This is a bad picture of a really surprising, delicious dish. (But look at that sweet little finger. There is always someone trying to help me around here!)
I wasn't really expecting too much out of this dish, but it ended up really surprising me. The ingredients are fairly simple. There aren't a ton of seasonings, but I think the cooking method helps this dish have a risotto-like texture.

The brown rice is really good and takes on a different texture than it normally does. The fresh corn kernels and black beans make it so hearty. It was good the first day right out of the oven, the next day cold out of the fridge, and the third day we used it as a filling for burritos. I love dishes that can be used in multiple ways and that stretch over many days.
I will be making this again and again.

Here is the recipe for Brown Rice with Black Beans


  1. It does look like risotto, yummy.

  2. I love this, simple and delicious - and healthy - perfect!

  3. When I first saw the picture in my feed reader, I thought it was olives, oops.

    Black beans and rice are such a great combo, though. I have several variations of the combo that I cook regularly because we love them.

  4. This is so my kind of dish. Making it!!


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Mary Ann