Monday, July 25, 2011

Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

My husband's grandmother has bunches of blueberry bushes in her yard and those berries were ready for picking a few weeks ago. Luckily we had a morning that wasn't too hot or humid- it was actually a little bit overcast, and we set out to pick a large amount of blueberries.

The kids were great helpers and we ended up bringing home over a gallon of fresh blueberries. Frozen blueberries are a favorite treat of my husband's and my kids, so I made sure to freeze a bunch of them, but I also wanted to make a breakfast treat with some of the berries.

I decided on this recipe because it doesn't contain whole grain flour. That may sound funny, but I wanted to make sure that my husband would eat these pancakes and he usually turns his nose up to the usual whole wheat pancakes or waffles I make. So these were definitely a treat for him. The batter is nice and thick and it holds the blueberry perfectly. These pancakes were light, fluffy and chock full of beautiful blueberries.

Here is the recipe for Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes
* I used skim milk, low-fat buttermilk and subbed canola oil for the melted butter
* I added the blueberries to the pancakes after the batter was on the griddle, so the berries wouldn't run and turn the pancakes blue


  1. These look so good! I went to Florida and had pancakes pretty much every day for breakfast whilst out there :)

  2. These look perfectly cooked with beautiful golden edges! I'm not the biggest pancake eater but could be easily swayed by these...

  3. Have made Blueberry pancakes, but never with buttermilk. YUM!!


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Mary Ann