Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Veggie Salsa

First of all the winner of the TERRA Chip giveaway- comment #21- Gabrielle, who says they eat TERRA Chips with hummus. yummy!

Here are the results-
True Random Number Generator
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Now on to today's recipe. I saw this recipe for Summer Veggie Salsa on Playing House
and all the veggies just looked so delicious. I added some chopped jicama and green bell pepper just because I was cutting them up anyway and I love the crunch that jicama gives to things.
I made a great big bowl of this salsa and it was really great with baked tortilla chips.

I also topped salad greens with this salsa and loved it that way. This was so fresh and delicious.
I am going to make it again while it is still nice and hot outside.

Recipe for Summer Veggie Salsa
* I added some jicama and green bell pepper
* I used cherry tomatoes


  1. yay me! woooo! lol

    Dave just said: "Yah- make that."

  2. Wow, that salsa looks a colorful jolt of healthiness!

  3. This looks incredible! I tried to make a veggie salsa once and it just turned out okay, but I couldn't figure out what it needed. I am definitely trying this one!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann