Monday, August 9, 2010

Corn and Basil Cakes

We don't eat much corn except for in the summer time. I prefer having it fresh, from a local source and so during the summer we get to enjoy it almost weekly.
My kids love it just straight off the cob or cooked for a few minutes and I have been cutting it off the cob, fresh, and adding it to all sorts of salads and other dishes.
My basil plant has also been producing tons of beautiful leaves, so when I saw this recipe in Eating Well magazine for Corn and Basil Cakes, I thought it looked like a fun way to use both corn and basil.

I wasn't expecting these corn cakes to be a hit here, simply because my family prefers pancakes to be covered in berries, not corn.
I really didn't have high hopes, but my family proved me wrong. My kids all loved them and wanted more. My husband even thought they were delicious.

So, I was happily surprised. Go ahead and see for yourself!

Recipe for Corn and Basil Cakes


  1. I LOVE this idea! They sound so tasty and like the perfect way to enjoy summer's yummy produce!

  2. Those look very good Mary Ann! I'm not surprised the family liked them! xxoo

  3. Love love love anything corn. These look pretty perfect to me.

  4. These sound so yummy and fresh...I'm sure they're great!

  5. These look great. I"m putting them on my September menu but I was wondering what you served them with.

  6. I love that you post so many meat free recipes! My husband is a vegetarian so I cook that way 90% of the time. I'm wondering if you served anything on top of these, like sour cream, salsa, etc?


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Mary Ann