Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Giveaway- TERRA Chips Fire Up the Flavor

Recently, I was contacted and offered a chance to sample some of the new TERRA Chips flavors. I received the TERRA Chips in the mail yesterday and now I am going to be able to giveaway the prize package shown above. The prize is valued at $25 and includes four bags of TERRA Chips, a martini glass inspired serving bowl and a Summer Entertaining Guide.

The flavors included in the giveway are:

Terra a la Mexicana – The latest addition to the Terra Exotic Mix line-up is this classic mix of vegetable chips seasoned with a piquant blend of tomato, black bean and roasted garlic flavors.

Terra Original - Terra Original is made up of the classic mix of Taro, Sweet Potato, Yuca, Batata, Parsnip, and Ruby Taro.

Terra Blues - Packed with flavor, Terra Blues are flavorful yet but with 40 percent less fat than the leading brand of potato chips and are made with naturally blue potatoes. A vibrant bluish-purple in color with a slightly nutty flavor, these Terra Blues® Potato Chips are deliciously different and the Official Snack of JetBlue Airways®.

Terra Exotic Harvest with Sea Salt - This earthy exotic harvest features a medley of flavorful blue potato, sweet carrots and japanese kabocha squash.

We were able to try all the flavors that are listed above. My children were excited to try these chips. This is what they had to say about the chips-

" They are chewy and delicious. I love 'em."

"so crunchy", "they have a yummy texture".

My son liked the Terra a la Mexicana best. One of my daughters loved the blue potato chips and all three especially liked the carrot chips.

We don't eat a lot of chips, so it was fun to taste the different flavors of all the chips. I hope to try the recipe included in the entertaining guide where you coat tilapia in crushed chips. I think it will be delicious!

To win the Fire Up the Flavor prize pack, leave a comment on this post, letting me know your favorite TERRA Chips variety, your favorite recipe or pairing from the online guide or how you plan to use the TERRA prize pack.

The giveaway will close Thursday, August 5th @ midnight EST. I will announce the winner on Friday. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in your comment!

The TERRA Chips online entertaining guide provides summer entertaining tips, pairings and nine mouth-watering recipes (Blissful Bruschetta, Spicy Fish & Chips a la TERRA, etc.).

Separately the “Fire Up the Flavor” online sweepstakes, running through August 31st, features 25 grand prizes (charcoal grill, serving bowl, $250 grocery gift card, 12 bags of TERRA Chips and a printed entertaining guide) and 50 first prizes (six serving bowls, an array of TERRA Chips and a printed entertaining guide). Details on both are located at www.terrachips.com.

(I have not been paid to review this product)


  1. I've never tried them so I would use them at my daughter's upcoming bday party.

  2. Right now my favorite variety is just the Terra Original. I like them a lot and would love to try the new flavors.

  3. What a fun giveaway. Terra Chips are the best. I love them all but if I had to pick one, it would be the sweet potato ones. A little sweet, a little salty and very crunchy. The perfect chip.

  4. I've never tried them but would love to. I'd use them by taking them with us to the beach when we go in a few weeks.

  5. I have never tried these! I will have to check the store for these!

  6. I love the original flavor. I'd share this gift pack at the next cul-de-sac BBQ!

  7. I've never tried them, but I would love to try their sweet potato.

  8. I have never tried them, but I'm sure I would like the Mexican chips.

  9. Oh I love Terra Chips. Favorites are the Original and Exotic Harvest...yum.

  10. I would LOVE to use the vegetable chips or the potpourri ones in a fun Mexican dish to serve to my friends and family.

  11. TERRA Blues, of Course - I work for JetBlue Airways! :)

  12. We are massive chip eaters in my family. The Blue chips would be the first bag gone, I'm sure, although all of the varieties are wonderful.

  13. I have never tried them! I would love to use them for my hubby's b-day! I love your blog BTW!

  14. Terra a la Mexicana are my fave by far! I would love to use them at a welcome home party I am having after living overseas the last 2 years!

  15. I have a weakness for chips but I haven't tried them! I would love to try the Mexicana! kethompson13

  16. My favorite Terra Chips are the original. I love them!

  17. I have never tried the TERRA chips. Al the flavors appeal to me. It would be nice to have a healthier version of chips. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Since I have heard of them it would be hard to choose. But those Blue ones sound fun.

  19. mmm the Tarro chips are really good. My friend from Hawaii turned me on to those.

  20. I have never tried them...but they sound great! My youngest is turning 3 in a few weeks and they would be great to serve!

  21. Mare! I love these! We have bought them and yummy! I have only had the orig, but I bet they would all be good. We eat them with hummus.

    Since I and wanting salty things all the time now (weird I know!) I would LOVE some.

  22. My favorite is the Terra Original - I love how you have several different types of chips in the bag. I like variety!

  23. I love the original flavour! Especially the sweet potatos and the... yucca? So delicous~ never triedthe others though.

  24. Never tried them...have to try the sweet potato ones. Sound so yummy! Thanks for the giveaway!!! samrrn@yahoo.com

  25. I love their blue potato chips (I feel like I always get them on airplanes - maybe JetBlue?) and would love to try the other flavors!

  26. I absolutely love Terra chips- especially the Mediterranean flavor.

  27. ooh, a giveaway....pick me! I've never tried them, but they'd be perfect for the move!

  28. I love these. I have only had the original, but they are one of my favorite chips. I think the texture is my favorite part. I think I would have to use these for movie nights and get togethers with friends. The fish idea sounds great too.

  29. I have loved the Terra chips for a long time. I recently bought the a la Mexicana bag, and I am *addicted*! They are soooo good. I have to stop myself from eating the entire bag in one sitting. My plans for the prize pack? To eat them all, all by myself. :)

    I just found your blog and am loving it, btw! My e-mail address is kandrade84@hotmail.com.

  30. I love the fact that the make sweet potato and beet chips. Sweet but salty from nature!

  31. I would love to win the Terra Chips!! They are my favorite!!!I love the yarro ones the best!


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Mary Ann