Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fig Giveaway! and Fresh Fig Ice Cream

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Cristina, who asked me if I was interested in receiving a shipment of figs from the California Fig Advisory Board.
I thought it was very interesting that she contacted me just 1 day after my father-in-law left some fresh figs from his backyard at my house and the same day that I had used some of them in this delicious Oatmeal Breakfast Bread. That was my first experience baking with fresh figs.

I jumped at the chance to receive more figs and was excited when they arrived in the mail last week.
I had spotted a recipe for Fresh Fig Ice Cream in David Lebovitz's The Perfect Scoop and that was the first thing on my list to make with my figs.
It couldn't have been easier to make either. I just cut up some figs, put them in a saucepan with a little water, let them get tender, added a little sugar, then let the mixture become soft and jam-like. Then you let the fig mixture cool a little bit, put it in the food processor with a little cream and lemon juice, puree and the only thing left to do is let it cool and churn it in your ice cream maker.
Because figs have such a beautiful color and flavor, this ice cream is unbelievably delicious. I think it is my new favorite.

We have been eating them fresh, adding them to salads, pairing them with a little cheese and enjoying them quite a bit. I even received some dried figs, which I can't wait to use.
I have been given the chance to giveaway a case of fresh figs!
If you are interested just leave a comment on this post, making sure to leave a way for me to contact you. This giveaway will close on Saturday, August 28th at 12 am, midnight.

Here are some interesting "Fig Facts".

Did you know?

· There are five varieties of California figs; each with distinct flavor profiles.

· The fig tree is the symbol of abundance, fertility, and sweetness.

· Figs provide more fiber than any other common fruit or vegetable.

· Although considered a fruit, the fig is actually a flower that is inverted into itself.

· Figs contain natural humectants – properties that extend freshness and moistness in baked products.

· Figs are fat-, sodium- and cholesterol-free.

· California fig growers produce 100 percent of the nation’s dried figs and 98 percent of the country’s fresh figs.

To learn more about California fresh and dried figs, visit or

Fresh Fig Ice Cream
From David Lebovitz's The Perfect Scoop

2 lbs fresh figs (about 20)
1/2 cup of water
1 lemon, preferably unsprayed
3/4 cup of sugar
1 cup of heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed, lemon juice, or more to taste (I added the juice of 1/2 lemon)

Remove the hard stem ends from the figs, then cut each fig into 8 pieces. Put the figs in a medium, nonreactive suacepan with the water, and zest the lemon directly into the saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 8-1o minutes until the figs are tender.

Remove the lid, add the sugar and continue to cook until it reaches a jam-like consistency. Remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature. Blend together with cream and lemon juice, chill in the fridge and then put in your ice cream maker per the manufacturer's instructions.


  1. I would love to try out some fresh figs. I've heard lots of good things about them......:)

  2. I would love to make some fig appetizers drizzled with honey and topped with gorgonzola. I love your recipes!!!

  3. This would be so much fun to win! I've had dried figs but I've never tried a fresh fig. There are so many things I would like to try with them! jullpete(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. I would LOVE to receive some fresh figs! I haven't had them in years.

  5. I have honestly never tried fresh figs, and only dried figs once or twice. Thank you for the opportunity. That ice cream looks delish!

  6. I would love a bunch of fresh figs, I love anything with fig but I've actually never had fresh ones - I love the way they look inside! =)

  7. Ooooh! I have never had fresh figs and my whole family loves fruit. Some of us even like flowers. One of our favorite things to do is go to the produce section and pick a fruit or veggie we have never tried.

  8. Yay- but I want the recipe for the icecream in premade form too. ...may not travel well.
    Guess who had a piece of cake with a really nice lady named Cecelia yesterday?

  9. What a treat! That ice cream looks delicious.

  10. figs are such a tasty treat, but it's a hard find...

  11. That is one thing you can't get very readily out her and I have always wanted to try some. I tried them years ago and I would love the opportunity again.

  12. I vaguely remember my dad picking figs from a tree behind our house when I was growing up. Would love to try them again!

  13. I love figs! Thanks for the opportunity to win. That ice cream looks amazing.

  14. I love fresh figs and miss them since moving to the Midwest, it would be great to win some!


  15. I would love to try to make fig preserves, a childhood favorite

  16. That ice cream looks sooo good! I would love to be able to make some. I bet it would be the best medicine for my sore throat :)


  17. Coolest giveaway ever, I would love to win them and bake bake bake!

  18. mmm I love fresh figs! I want them in a grilled sandwich with some brie!

  19. i would love to try fresh figs! never had them before!

  20. I love figs with goat cheese and honey! (

  21. I love figs. And I work at a bakery called Lily & Fig. And I make their ice cream...fate?

  22. Oh wow! Thanks for the chance to win! Figs are so delicious!

  23. Hey, I dig figs!

    As long as I'm here, I might as well ask you for a wee favor...

    I've entered a contest to win a role on the retro-fabulous TV show "Mad Men" - but I need your votes to win!

    If you don't mind taking two seconds to vote for me, please go to my blog or use the link below, which takes you right to my photo page.

    Thanks so much!

  24. I tried fresh figs for the first time a few weeks ago. I'd love to be able to experiment with them more!

  25. I would love to try some have made me very curious about them! My only experience with them is in newton form. Love your site!!

  26. That ice cream is gorgeous! I wouldn't have thought of making fig ice cream but you've definitely tempted me!

  27. Ooh, yum! I LOVE fresh figs but I'd love to try your ice cream recipe!

  28. I love figs! I dream of eating them with cheese. Yum! I also have the ice cream same recipe saved :)

  29. I haven't made anything with figs, but would love to try. What a fun giveaway.

  30. I would love to put my name in the hat for some free figs. My aunt in No.Carolina had some fig jam that was made with figs from her tree and it was wonderful!

  31. I love figs! I have to admit that I have never had them fresh though. We use dried ones a lot - especially to make homemade fig newtons for my daughter which she loves!


  32. Figs!!! Yum!!! It would be fun to experiment with a new recipe!

  33. The color of this ice cream is so pretty! I would love to try it.

  34. i haven't cooked w/ figs but would love the opportunity to do so.

    jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

    who is hoping the deadline was not EST ......

  35. This ice cream recipe has been on my to do list forever. The color of that ice cream is beautiful!


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Mary Ann