Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wicked Good Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding Cups

My son somehow saw this post by Bakerella and decided we needed to make this dessert as soon as possible.
I thought it would be a fun one to celebrate school getting out and the beginning of our summer vacation.

The idea and recipe are from Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids by Jill O'Connor. Somehow I totally missed this cookbook, although I do have the original Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey, which happens to be the source of my husband's all-time favorite treat, Cheesecake Pops. A better picture can be seen in this post.

Back to the point- My son and I made the pudding on Sunday night. Yesterday we all made the chocolate cups and my kids consumed these for dessert last night. (I usually don't get posts of things I make up this quickly, but someone requested it)

I tasted a spoonful and thought that the chocolate pudding had the perfect mix of pb and chocolate flavor and it was just sweet enough. Smooth and silky. Everything chocolate pudding should be.
It does make enough to feed a small army. I should've halved or 1/3ed the recipe.

We used Baker's dipping chocolate for the cups- I would probably use a different kind of chocolate if I made these again.

The water balloons were impossible to blow up with your own lungs. I had to use a basketball hand pump to blow them up.
Naked pudding
Whipped cream and sprinkles added
Happy kids
Messy and fun treat

Recipe for Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding
* I used whole milk instead of half&half
* This makes a TON of pudding, especially when you are serving it in little chocolate cups

How-to for the Pudding Cups from Bakerella


  1. That looks like a LOT of work, but oh so delicious!!

  2. These are so cute! What a fun project to do with the kids. My husband would love these too, he's just a kid in a bigger body :)

  3. Gorgeous and - those faces tell me - delicious!

  4. I'm including this comment in case anyone else has my same experience. When I tried to make the chocolate bowls last Valentines Day, the balloons popped as soon as I dipped them in the chocolate. It was a huge mess with chocolate on the ceiling, all over me, under the cabinets -- everywhere (of course, I kept trying thinking the chocolate needed to cool a little, etc.) I looked online after my experience and saw others had a similar time. I used water balloons and the same dipping chocolate you did. I guess my moral is to be careful, since it seems to work great for some people (and they are gorgeous!), but not so well with certain balloons.

  5. My kids would love these. I am so glad Susan made that comment, though, so I can be careful. Wouldn't want chocolate on the ceiling...that would mean I'd have to actually clean the ceiling :-)

  6. I saw this on bakerella too and thought it was the coolest idea!!! Yours kids look like they are having the best time!!!

  7. These look like so much fun!!!! - mary


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Mary Ann