Tuesday, November 3, 2009

TWD-All in one Holiday Bundt Cake

This month we get to post the Tuesday's with Dorie recipes in any order we want. Laurie has given us some leeway in case we want to make a certain choice for the holidays later this month.
I chose to post about the All in One Holiday Bundt Cake because I made it last year and already had pictures on my computer.
This bundt was chosen by Britin who blogs over at the nitty britty. The recipe will be appearing on her blog sometime this month. If you want to make this bundt cake now, (which I think you probably do), then you can also find the recipe HERE- when I posted about it last year.
I made this bundt cake last year for Thanksgiving because it was the perfect thing to make for a cake-lover like me.
It combines everything fall-ish and thanksgiving-y= pumpkin, cranberries, pecans, etc.
My little brother was dying to cut into it and I finally gave in and let him try a piece.
I remember that the flavors were really suberp the next day.
I am going to make this again this year sometime over the holidays and I recommend that you do to.
Go to the TWD Blogroll to see which November recipe everyone else is posting today!


  1. I love your photos! It looks so good with the glaze.

  2. Yum! Im saving that one for thanksgiving at my parents house!

  3. I love how your bundt looks with that glaze on it. Perfect for November, don't you think? I'm planning to bake this cake for a neighborhood dinner on Saturday. Although I usually don't like hybrid combination recipes, I have high hopes for this one!

  4. It looks wonderful. I really enjoyed this cake too. Next time I'll have to make the glaze. It would be the perfect addition to a holiday dinner.

  5. GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS bundt cake! The icing is picture perfect!

    Can you make me one, please? :)

  6. Your cake looks terrific! I can't wait to make this one! Looks great with the glaze--everyone seems to have loved this cake!

  7. A really nice seasonal bundt cake! And when you cut into it, it's so pretty. The glaze looks super on it- dripping down the sides!

  8. Mary Ann - the cake looks divine. I am going to make it for a Church Cake Auction asap. Or maybe not. It looks sooooo delicious.

  9. Mmm! I made the bundt this week, too! De-lish! I put on some thick orange flavored icing. The cake IS more tasty today!
    Yours looks great and the little one is cute!

  10. Well, you certainly make it sound and look appealing. Bundts have been the curse of me...they always stick. Nancy thinks I need one of those silicone pans so it's going on my Christmas list. My little bundts don't stick, so I wonder if I could make this in those? Yours looks perfect for the holiday. Can I borrow your pan...NO??? Okay, then can I borrow the little pink girl? No again?? You certainly aren't very cooperative over there! The cake looks fabulous in your very capable hands.

  11. I'm excited to make this cake, but now you've got me excited to get my poinsettia. I love the colour they bring into the house.

  12. Why haven't I made this one? Adding it to my list!

  13. Good hint to let it set till the next day. Looks delicious!

  14. Great looking bundt! I've been dying to make this recipe. I think I'm going to bake it this weekend.

  15. Your cake looks wonderful. I think I will make this the week before Thanksgiving. I made the Chestnut cake and it's delicious.

  16. I'm such a bad TWD member - can you believe I didn't even realize this was one of the selections for November? Thanks for posting it today and making me aware :) It looks delicious (great photos!), I love the combination of flavors! Maybe I'll save this one and make it for Thanksgiving!

  17. Really beautiful looking cake. I have the book and wil definitely give it a try! Thanks!

  18. A wonderful addition to any holiday table!!

  19. Yours is PERFECT! Mine was delicious but it stuck to the pan. I am going to try again though, I'd like to make it for Thanksgiving :)

  20. sounds good! i plan to do this one for thanksgiving dinner!

  21. Your cake looks like it was out of a magazine!
    Way to go, looks awesome.

  22. I'm really excited to make this one after reading your post. It looks amazing, that icing is just beautiful! I'm glad to hear that it tasted as delicious as it looks!

  23. This looks perfect for Thanksgiving. I may have to make this for our family gathering.

  24. I've already made it, but I might make it again for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I haven't tried the glaze yet, and it sounds so tasty.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann