Monday, November 2, 2009

Risotto with Swiss Chard

Risotto- I love you. I love you plain, with veggies, different grains, whatever it is, I love you.
Thanks for being you.

There are so many beautiful blogs out there. So, so many. One that always has beautiful pictures and great commentary is The Way the Cookie Crumbles. When I saw Bridget's post- Risotto with Swiss Chard, I knew I would be making it.
I decided to put it on the menu when my mom was here visiting.
The swiss chard I found was red swiss chard and since I love the stems and all, I just washed it, chopped it, and added all the parts.
Delicious. I knew it would be. I had absolutely no doubts.
The day I ended up making this was a cold, rainy day and it was the perfect dinner. Perfect.

If you have never tried making risotto at home, you really should. It is so easy and worth it. One of my favorite things to make.

The only thing I changed is using more chicken broth instead of wine and I didn't warm my broth ahead of time. I tried a recipe for risotto once that didn't have you heat the broth and it turned out just as good as those that did, so I eliminated that step.
My hubby requested that the leftovers be packed in his lunch the next day. If you know anything about him, that is really saying something.

Recipe for Risotto with Swiss Chard


  1. This looks fantastic! I have only had swiss chard the way my grandma prepares it so I'd love to try it other ways. I have a big container of Arborio in my pantry begging to be used too :)

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I've always kind of wondered if heating the broth was necessary. I might just skip that next time too!

  3. I heart risotto too. Looks delicious!

  4. I have never had swiss chard! The risotto looks fabulous!

  5. I was just thinking today that I'd make risotto for lunch tomorrow! I think I'm going to try a butternut squash risotto, but I'll stick this one on the list for another day too!


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Mary Ann