Thursday, September 3, 2009

Roasted Peach Ice Cream with Cardamom

A couple of weeks ago, I saw some tweets going around about ice cream making.
Tracey chose the flavor-Roasted Banana Ice Cream from David Lebovitz's The Perfect Scoop, , and a couple of us joined in- Kayte , Margaret and me.
Except, I didn't have any bananas, so I made Roasted Peach Ice Cream instead.
It is pretty fun to bake/cook/ice cream make along with other people who are on twitter. You can share pics (like the delicious one Tracey took of her bananas getting ready to roast, covered in brown sugar) and talk about how the process is coming along.
This recipe was fairly simple. You roast the peaches or bananas with brown sugar in the oven, blend the fruit with whole milk, lemon juice, vanilla, and a pinch of salt. Then you let the mixture chill in the fridge and then you churn. I added a dash of cardamom because I love it and also because I had just made Dorie's Dimply Peach Cake which combines peaches and cardamom and they go great together.
I took the pics before the ice cream had firmed up all the way, so the scoop is looking pretty messy. oh well- this was delicious ice cream!
The roasted banana flavor got mixed reviews- mainly that it was really banana-y. Needed some kind of topping, like peanut butter or something. I might just have to make the banana version-sounds like a pretty good excuse to make peanut butter ice cream topping!

You can find the recipe for Roasted Banana Ice Cream on Tracey's blog

One Year Ago-Fresh Peach Ice Cream in Cinnamon Sugar WonTon Cups


  1. WOW...looks delicious! I made a roasted peach & plum ice cream a while ago. This looks lovely. I like the addition od cardamom... yum!

  2. This looks amazing. I will be making ice cream this weekend to bid summer farewell.

  3. I posted the roasted banana recipe on my blog at the beginning of the summer. Problem is I have to hide the roasted bananas from my family or else they eat them and I never get the ice cream made. I love that recipe which always amazes my guests. Now cooking together on Twitter is new to me but my kids say I am always the last person to figure electronic posts out:) Can you believe my GS is allergic to peaches? I had never heard of that before.

  4. It sounds fantastic. I've never roasted peaches, but I bet they're delicious. And cardamon is always good.

  5. Hi, I googled roasted peach ice cream and found you! I'm gonna give this a try along with your tip to add cardamom. Thanks for sharing!

    Btw, I totally agree it's fun to bake/cook along with others especially a small group.

  6. I'm so glad you decided to make the ice cream too and I love that you substituted the peaches for the bananas and let us all know how it worked out! I definitely want to try that variation - I think I'll like it more than the banana. I never got around to making peanut butter sauce for my ice cream so I will definitely be interested to see yours if you get around to it!


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Mary Ann