Monday, February 11, 2013

Minestrone Pot Pie with Whole Wheat Parmesan Biscuits

 Sometimes I wonder why it takes me so long to make a recipe that I see online when I really, really want to make it as soon as I see it!  Such is the case with this recipe.  I saw it here over a year ago and thought it looked so fabulous.  I love Minestrone, especially the one that my Mom makes, and I thought the idea of placing biscuits on top was awesome.

It was quite dark the night I made this, so I didn't get a shot of the entire dish, but I did take a quick picture of the leftovers, which I enjoyed for a few days after we made this.  My 6 year old helped me put this together and she made the biscuits almost all by herself.  This is a very comforting dish for a cold night and tastes great as a hearty lunch if you are lucky enough to have leftovers.

 Recipe for Minestrone Pot Pie with Whole Wheat Parmesan Biscuits   
* I used low-fat buttermilk in the biscuits and reduced the amount to 1 cup and 1 Tablespoon
* I used diced tomatoes 


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