Thursday, May 10, 2012

Crepes with Peanut Butter and Jam

  I made these crepes about 6 weeks ago and took a picture, even though I wasn't sure if I would be posting recipes anymore.  I saw the recipe in Food Network Magazine- it was a little blurb about Giada's new cookbook. 

Crepes are something that we ate on Sunday evenings sometimes, when I was growing up.  My mom would make a large stack of them and we would fill them with fresh or frozen fruit and a little sprinkle of powdered sugar.  They were a special treat for us  and I absolutely loved them.

 When I was a newly married person, about 11 years ago, I decided to make crepes for my husband.  He wasn't a fan and I didn't want to eat a whole stack of crepes by myself, so I didn't make them again.  It has been so long since I made crepes, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it correctly!

 The good news is, that after a few messed up crepes that were too thick, too pale, and misshapen, I got the technique down and we were able to enjoy this meal as a Breakfast for Dinner.  I made these on a night that I knew my husband wouldn't be home to eat with us, so there were no complaints at all.  These were fun too because they were filled with peanut butter,  jam (I used Crofters Fruit Spread) and fresh blueberries.

 We enjoyed these with Alfresco Wild Blueberry Chicken Sausage Links


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Mary Ann