Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hummus Slaw

I am not a big fan of most coleslaw recipes. I don't like mayo, so any recipe that uses that as a base is a definite no-go, and I don't really care for sugar-y/vinegar based dressing that accompany lots of other coleslaw recipes. When I saw this simple version of slaw, that is dressed with hummus and lemon juice, I knew it would be something I liked. I ended up just making the slaw part of the recipe and not the chicken part, but I think that the full recipe would probably be really good. This was a great side dish and also made a delicious lunch.

Here is the recipe I took the Hummus Slaw from

I also made this recipe for Roasted Pork with Lentils.
from the same issue of Food Network Magazine, but the picture I took was too hideous to share. It was a great dinner. We had collard greens on the side.


  1. I'm normally not a fan of slaws either because they are so heavy on the mayo so this one here looks perfect to me.

  2. this slaw sound delicious - lighter and healthier - I'm going for this!
    Mary x

  3. I like hummus, so the sound of this really appeals to me. Its a good slaw to eat in these cold wintry days too.

  4. Looks light and healthy. I'm not a big fan of regular coleslaw either.


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Mary Ann