Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Baked Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes and Perfect Pumpkin Cookies

Once again, I present horrible photos! Sorry about that. I kinda forgot about the time change and how it gets dark early and etc., etc. But, I wanted to share these 2 quick, easy and delicious pumpkin treats with you that we made this past Sunday for a family dinner.

I wanted to make a soft pumpkin chocolate chip cookie and decided to give this recipe a try. I thought they turned out really great. My kids loved them too.

I had 3/4 cup pumpkin puree left and didn't really feel like letting it sit in my fridge, so I quickly found another recipe that used exactly that much pumpkin. They aren't technically donuts, but a mini muffin that kind of tastes like a donut. They are dipped in melted butter and then coated in cinnamon-sugar. Similar to the ones I made last year, but the ingredient list is a little different.

Here is the recipe for Baked Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes
*I only dipped the tops into melted butter instead of the whole thing

Here is the recipe for Perfect Pumpkin Cookies
* I made 42 cookies


  1. The doughnut holes look delicious! And I love that I can make them in a muffin tin!

  2. Now those do look delicious. You have such great treats on your blog!!

  3. Those both look great! I especially love the donut holes! I think the time change thing is throwing everyone for a loop! Every picture I have taken lately I think looks crappy!

  4. Those baked donuts look irresistible! Perfect with a glass of milk. And the pumpkin cookies look divine! The perfect texture and size, I love it :)


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Mary Ann