Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Roasted Eggplant, Zucchini, and Chickpea Wraps

This was an exciting dinner because I was able to use the first 2 eggplants that I harvested from my garden. My dad planted a Ichiban eggplant plant for me and I was a little worried about it producing any eggplant because the bugs were really enjoying eating the leaves. I was so excited when I saw a few eggplants growing and I was able to pick them after a few days.

The roasted veggies in this wrap are something that I could eat at every meal. Simply roasted, with fresh herbs- nothing compares to roasted vegetables in my opinion. The fresh mozzarella was really delicious (although you can't really see it on my wraps- it is there, beneath all the yummy veggies).

I made double the amount of the roasted veggies because I really enjoy having them with eggs for breakfast or to top a salad for lunch.

Here is the recipe for Roasted Eggplant, Zucchini, and Chickpea Wraps
* I used zucchini, summer squash, eggplant, and green peppers
* I used less oil than called for


  1. Yes please ! these look amazing - you are such a great blog to follow!

  2. This looks wonderful, Mary Ann! I was sad this morning when I looked in my fridge and saw that there were no more grilled vegetables left for lunch. I will have to make a huge batch tonight using this recipe!

  3. Oh, Mare. This screams Summer to me. Remind me why we don't live next door to each other? :)

  4. I was pretty excited about my first few eggplants...I hope I get more! My garden is getting a little scary, eggplant and peppers are all I have left. Am loving this healthy wraps!


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Mary Ann