Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

For this month's Cooking Light Virtual Supper Club, Sandi decided that we should get out of the kitchen and have a BBQ!

Sandi started us off with Scallops Grilled on Rosemary. Sounds like a pretty great way to get the menu going to me. We have a few appetizers to add to that- Roz picked Grilled Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms and Val decided on Barbeque Chicken Sliders with Pickled Onions.

We've got some great sides to round out the rest of the meal as well. Jerry prepared a Grilled Vegetable Salad with Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing and Jamie made Thyme Potatoes.

Once again, after looking at this menu, I am trying to decide which of these dishes I want to try next. They all look and sound amazing!

This time I chose a dessert. Ice Cream is something that I associate with summer and grilling out. I have many memories of having special homemade ice cream to go along with something that my dad would fix on the grill. I decided to finish off our meal this month with Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream. Blueberries are in season and really, who doesn't want something as decadent as ice cream and cheesecake combined into a lighter dessert?

This ice cream has a few steps that require the stove top, but they only take a few minutes. They you can churn your beautiful purple custard into creamy, dreamy ice cream.

A few thoughts about this ice cream. I didn't really think that it had a strong cheesecake flavor, so if you don't like cheesecake, don't let that scare you off.
I also felt like it was just a little bit too sweet- next time I would reduce the amount of sugar that goes into the cream cheese/sugar/egg yolk mixture. I think you could take out about 1/2 cup and probably still be ok. Other tasters thought it was perfect, as is. But my preference would be to make it a little less sweet. It was still mighty delicious. The perfect afternoon treat to cool us down after day at the pool.

Make sure you check out what the other members of the Cooking Light Virtual Supper Club prepared for this month's BBQ and get inspired to step out of the kitchen!

Here is the recipe for Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream from Cooking Light


  1. As a famous network star says..YUMM-O. This is the perfect ending to our meal at the Virtial Supper Club Mary Ann:D

  2. Mmm, looks so yummy! I love how it turned purple. I made a blueberry cheesecake ice cream last year that was to DIE for and it really tasted like cheesecake. However, it was NOT a cooking light recipe. I do love Cooking Light recipes though. I have two of their big cookbooks and have had success with pretty much everything that I have made. What a fun little supper club.

  3. Looks wonderful!! Will be picking blueberries in a few weeks and happen to have a new ice cream maker that needs broken in. I'll have to try this. The recipe does include alot of sugar so I'll cut back on that.

  4. This looks SO good, I have a ton of blueberries in the fridge and was wondering what to do with them - I guess I know now!

  5. Oh that's so funny. I just left your delicious Rocky Road Ice cream posted a while back (which looks heavenly btw:) and lo and behold, look at this beauty!!!

    I don't think I have ever had Blueberry Ice cream. I may now need to make it my business to try some soon!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  6. This looks absolutely brilliant. I am, definately going to give this a try in August when we have some wild blueberries from northern Ontario to enjoy.

  7. I cannot wait to come to your house to play, make yummy food, and eat it! 10 days :)


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Mary Ann