Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Meyer Lemon Coffee Cake

Sometimes there is an item that you see and for some reason, from that moment on, You cannot get it out of your mind.

This coffee cake was one of those items.
I don't even know how I found it. I think I was interested in Meyer Lemons and what to make with them, and I found this huge coffee cake. I was going to make it and then didn't.
Well, I bought more Meyer Lemons and then I did. I made this gigantic coffee cake for absolutely no reason. No reason at all.

This coffee cake has two layers of quickly boiled Meyer Lemon slices in it. It also has the most struesel topping that I have ever seen in my entire life.
And it is good. Really, really good.
The only thing I would do differently next time is to make sure that all my Meyer Lemon slices were exactly the same thickness, by using a mandoline or food processor with the slicing blade to slice them, instead of relying on my own slicing skills. Some of the slices were a little too thick and tasted just a tad bitter.

Here is the recipe for Meyer Lemon Coffee Cake from Martha Stewart
* I used low-fat buttermilk instead of sour cream
* I add 1 1/2 Tablespoons Meyer Lemon juice to the cake batter


  1. This does look really, really good Mary Ann!!!! I can see having thsi for breakfast Easter morning to light up our day!

  2. I love anything with Meyer lemons. This looks wonderful. I'm going to give it a try.
    Your cake turned out beautifully!

  3. Coffee and lemon?! Deeeeelicious! Looks beautiful.

  4. That looks divine. Lemon flavor is great for the warmer months - I always find myself craving citrus.

  5. My mouth is watering over here for this one!!


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Mary Ann