Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Orange Cardamom Muffins with Buttery Orange Curd

About 6 weeks ago I made this Elegant Citrus Tart, when we had people over for dessert and pictures just didn't happen. I had leftover Buttery Orange Curd, which was the filling for the tart, and I was trying to figure out what to do with it. I have swirled leftover curd into ice cream and breakfast cakes/muffins before, so I knew that a muffin would be a good choice.

I made these back in January, when I was doing my month without using butter, so I had to find a recipe that used oil or buttermilk.

I found a Orange Cardamom Cake on myrecipes and knew it would be perfect. I made 1/3 of the batter and made muffins. I filled the muffin liners about halfway with batter and then dropped in a Tablespoon of the orange curd. Then I put a couple more Tablespoons of batter on top and swirled in a little curd on top.

The muffins baked up in about18-21 minutes and they tasted amazing warm. All the orange curd had sunk to the bottom, but it made for an amazing breakfast treat.

I had a great weekend in Miami- thanks for all the well wishes!

Original Recipe for Orange Cardamom Cake
* I made 1/3 of this recipe and it made 8 muffins
* I replaced some of the canola oil with low-fat buttermilk


  1. wow, those sound and look amazing. Great use for curd

  2. I really like orange muffins. These have a unique interesting twist.

  3. Yumm!
    I have an orange cardamom cookie recipe that everyone loves... this looks everybit as good.


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Mary Ann