Friday, February 18, 2011

Creamed Corn with Pancetta and Leeks

This is a recipe that I have been wanting to try for quite some time, but somehow it never fit into my menu. I never tried creamed corn until I moved to the South and it took some time for me to grow to like it.

I decided to make this for our Christmas dinner, since I did a southern dinner, and used grade A fresh frozen corn. I really wanted to make this with fresh corn, but it fit our Christmas dinner, so I went ahead and made it. I didn't use a cast iron pan and it still worked out great.

This was a little bit spicy (as in- onion spicy) from the leeks, but I think they gave a nice level of flavor. This recipe came together quickly and was really delicious.
I wish I could've gotten a beautiful picture, but it just didn't work out that way. Please look at the Cooking Light picture to have a feast for your eyes.
I'm excited to make this again during the summer with fresh cobs of corn.

Recipe for Creamed Corn with Bacon and Leeks
* I used some chopped pancetta instead of bacon
* I used fresh frozen corn instead of corn right off the cob


  1. Invetive, Love it. What a great side.

  2. Yum! This looks like the perfect MEAL to me :-)

  3. This looks amazing and I can only imagine how great it would taste wth fresh corn. Can't wait to give it a try.


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Mary Ann