Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tangelo-Tangerine Pudding

I know it is going to be very hard to believe, but we are on our 4th snow day here. My kids are getting so used to sleeping in and playing on the giant ice skating rink that is now our yard, that I don't think they will ever want to get up early and go back to school. The sun has come out though, so we might get some of this thick white stuff melted today.

I remember as a kid/teen, my Dad always buying a large box of grapefruit or other citrus sometime in December. He would put the huge box in the basement or garage and all the members of my family would go and get the delicious citrus whenever we wanted to. It seemed like the box lasted forever and the fruit from it was always so good. There is something about citrus fruits in the winter.

So, in honor of that memory and also because I was craving some delicious citrus, this December I bought a half-bushel of citrus from someone that I know, who was doing a school fundraiser. When the goods arrived, I couldn't believe how big a half-bushel is. I had more than my fair share of tangelos, tangerines, clementines, and a few grapefruit. The clementines and grapefruit were devoured first, while some of the tangerines and tangelos gave my kids a little trouble because of all those darn little seeds.

Anyway, some how I saw this picture and I knew that the remaining tangelo/tangerines must be juiced and turned into this beautiful pudding. I don't know why the color of my pudding isn't as orange and beautiful as that picture, but the taste I am sure was the same. Delightful.
There isn't much too this dessert, but it is so refreshing. My entire family loved it.

Of course, as soon as I made this pudding and put in in the fridge to chill, I went outside and checked the mail. The new Cooking Light had arrived and it contained a modified version of this pudding.

I used this recipe-
Recipe for Tangelo-Tangerine Pudding
* I added an extra Tablespoon of sugar at the beginning
* I used the optional butter
* I omitted the orange rose water

And a modified version from this month's Cooking Light- Citrus Pudding with Whipped Cream

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Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann