Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

My daughter wanted cinnamon roll pancakes for her birthday a couple of weeks ago. I had never heard of them, but I figured some one out there had attempted something of the sort, so I researched until I developed a plan for making the cinnamon roll pancakes happen.

I ended up using a buttermilk pancake recipe that I have used before and then just used the filling from a cinnamon roll pancake recipe I found.
I poured enough batter to make a pancake and then drizzled the filling around to make it look like a cinnamon roll (kind of).
I made a simple icing and there you have it- Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.
My daughter loved it and everyone else in my family was pretty happy about it too.

I saw the idea Here
and used the cinnamon filling recipe from that post.

1/2 stick butter, very soft
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 Tbls cinnamon

Warm this mixture up in the microwave in 3-4 second intervals, until it reaches a pourable consistency- you don't want it completely melted, but if it is too thick, it won't work either.
I transferred it to a plastic container with a small tip, so I could make circles in the pancakes.

* note- the cinnamon filling will thicken as it cools, so you might have to rewarm it in the microwave as you go, in order to get it drizzle correctly.

I used this buttermilk pancake recipe from Cooking Light

for the icing, I just combined powdered sugar with skim milk until it was the perfect consistency for drizzling over the pancakes.


  1. This is such a cute idea. I love how they look.

  2. This looks perfect for my kids. It combines two of their absolute favorite breakfasts!

  3. These are SO cute Mary Ann! What a fun idea - your kids are super lucky :)

  4. Oooo, I love me some pancakes. These look delish!

  5. wow I absolutely love this idea. I am definitely saving this idea. I am your newest follower!


  6. That sounds like a really great and delicious idea. Perfect for a birthday!

  7. Thats cool how the filling settles in and looks just like a cinnamon roll!

  8. Making this for Leslie's birthday breakfast tomorrow...Wish you were coming too!

    P.S. Call me- I cried for you yesterday! Ew, and I have some icky news!


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Mary Ann