Friday, October 15, 2010

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

I haven't participated in Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Club for many months, but I wanted to make cupcakes the other day and the choice for this month seemed perfect- Snickerdoodle Cupcakes.

You can find the recipe HERE.

I made 1/4 of the cupcake recipe and ended up with 6 cupcakes. I made 1/2 of the 7 minute frosting recipe and got to use some of the egg whites that have been hanging out in my freezer.
I thought the meringue-like frosting was perfect for these cinnamon-y, but not too sweet cupcakes. My kids loved this combination and so did my husband. I had extra frosting, so I piped it onto a plate in little shapes ( it didn't take long for little fingers to find these little mounds).

You can find these cupcakes all over the internet with lots of different frosting choices- I have seen them with cinnamon cream cheese frosting and different types of buttercream, but I think that the 7 minute frosting compliments them perfectly. Of course, if you don't like meringue or marshmallows, you would probably want to choose a different frosting option.

To see who else made this month's cupcake, go to MS: Cupcake's Club!


  1. YUM! I love me some little cupcakes. Come join the friday's favorites party... these are a favorite for sure :-)

  2. These cupcakes look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! They are just beautiful and I'm sure they taste just as good. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to try and make these as Snickerdoodles are our favorites here.


    Jaime and Jen Dish

  3. Bravo - they are adorable and perfect

  4. They look so cute in those party wrappers...looks like a party all fun and swirly and I love that you piped some extra. You have to be one of the most fun moms around! These were so good...I can't be making them too often or I would over-indulge!

  5. Snickerdoodle cupcakes! What a marvelous idea! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  6. I'm not sure if you could have piped the frosting on more perfectly if you'd tried Mary Ann - gorgeous! Did you use the tip Martha recommended in the book? These were a hit here too, and I completely agree - the 7-minute frosting was the perfect complement to the cupcakes.

  7. Beautiful! The frosting looks amazing!!!

  8. Mmm! I love snickerdoodles, and cupcake form is all that much better.


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Mary Ann