Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rhubarb Crumb Bars

I know rhubarb is no longer in season.
But, this year, I thought ahead about how much I love rhubarb and how I would probably want to use it when it was no longer available. And I did something about it.

I bought lots of rhubarb, chopped it into pieces, and put it in a large freezer bag.
Good job me!
I was able to make this delicious recipe a couple of weeks ago because I had frozen rhubarb. I didn't have to wait until next spring. I'm glad because this was a delicious little cake/bar.

This recipe was very similar to the Blackberry Crumb Bars I made a couple of months ago, mostly because they came from the same source, but I didn't care too much because they looked too good to pass up.

I made these for a birthday party and made sure that I was able to sample a piece. Yummy. Really yummy. The best part is that this dessert isn't overly sweet- the rhubarb gives a nice tang to it, but the crumbs on top add a great crunch and burst of sugar. Perfect.

Very close to being a favorite way to use rhubarb.
Thank goodness I still have some in the freezer.

Recipe for Rhubarb Crumb Bars


  1. I do the same thing -- we freeze the rhubarb from our garden so that we can enjoy it year round!! Can't wait to try these.

  2. You know, I've never had rhubarb! I keep reading about it, but I've never tried it! I will need to rectify that next year! These crumb bars look incredible!

  3. When I was a kid we use to have a garden that had three rows of mom would make strawberry rhubarb pie and my favorite was the crumb bars! Yours look wonderful!

  4. i wish i'd thought to stash away some rhubarb, too-- i love it so much! these bars look delicious!

  5. Good call on saving the rhubarb because they look fantastic!

  6. I will certainly keep this in mind next year to stash rhubarb away!! I so need to make this, it looks awesome, thanks!


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Mary Ann