Friday, July 9, 2010

Tomato-Avocado Salad

When my friend was here visiting, we created this simple salad.
We found some beautiful heirloom grape/cherry tomatoes and combined them with chopped avocados, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
It was delicious on its own and we enjoyed it as part of our lunch one day.

The wheels in my head were turning though, and the next morning I had an idea for breakfast.

I like to get up early and exercise before my kids wake up. I don't eat before I work out, so when I finally get to eating breakfast it is late morning and I am hungry. I don't want a wimpy breakfast. I want something full of protein and fiber that is going to fill me up and do something for me nutritionally.
My friend found this Hearty Grain with Flax and Soy loaf at Publix, and basically fell in love with it.

We decided to toast the bread, fry an egg in a little bit of olive oil, top the bread with the egg, then top the egg with the tomato-avocado salad and some pinto beans.
Best breakfast ever. It was really so good.

We also made this tomato-avocado salad when we were in DC and used it to top our green salad. We also ate it with tortilla chips.
Endless possibilities on this one.

Tomato-Avocado Salad by Mary Ann
1-2 avocados, chopped
2-3 cups cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
juice of 1 lemon
1 Tbls olive oil

Put avocado in a bowl. Toss with lemon juice, to prevent discoloring. Add tomatoes and olive oil. Stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy on its own, on salad, on toast, with eggs, with chips, in a burrito- anyway you want.


  1. We had something similar to this on July 4th! It is sooo delicious in a baked sweet potato!

  2. That's my kind of breakfast - great idea! The heirloom tomatoes are so pretty and this looks like the perfect way to use them :)


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Mary Ann