Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mint Limeade

I planted some mint in a pot outside my front door a couple of months ago and it is trying to take over the front steps!

This was one of the recipes that I wanted to try from a recent issue of The Food Network Magazine and since I had all that mint, I decided it would be a good way to some of it up.
We had this for our Father's Day dinner and it was pretty good.

The limes that I purchased for this weren't very juicy, so I had to really work to get enough lime juice. It was really strange, how hard the limes were. I thought I had seen a tip from somewhere about warming the limes in the microwave and rolling them on the counter to get more juice out of them. That technique did work, but it made for a very hot, lime-y mess.

The flavors in this were pretty strong, so we added lots of ice.
It's nice to have a cold, flavorful drink every once in awhile and this was definitely flavorful.

Recipe for Mint Limeade


  1. I always prefer limeade over lemonade but never thought to add mint to it. Sounds like a great idea.

  2. I have been getting a lot of hard limes lately. It's gotten to the point that I have to buy twice as many as I think I need. What's with the hard limes?

  3. Yum, looks so pretty! I've used that trick with the microwave and citrus too -10 or 20 seconds usually does the trick for me.


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Mary Ann