Monday, July 5, 2010

Greek Salad

Eggplant is such a versatile vegetable. It can take on almost any flavor and I was very intrigued by it's use in this salad.

Once again, I found this recipe in my Mayo Clinic cookbook
and the picture just looked too delicious to pass up. I really love salads, especially in the summer, so this went on the weekly menu plan immediately.

You roast the eggplant in the oven and then mix up a quick vinaigrette. Chop a few veggies and dinner or lunch is ready.

I really loved the flavors of the vinaigrette. The tomatoes and cucumbers added a nice crunch to the roasted eggplant. Truly tasty.

Recipe for Greek Salad


  1. I can't wait to try this one. You know I love roasted eggplant. I'll be lucky if it makes it into the salad!

  2. Great recipe! Just happen to have a few eggplants lying around and was wondering what to do with them- thanks !


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Mary Ann