Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fresh Cherry Tart

I am not a big fan of cooked fruit in desserts.
I prefer to eat my fruit fresh, especially in the summertime.

I wanted to make a dessert for the 4th of July and really wanted to use sweet cherries, since they were ripe and at a great price.
My husband loves cherry pie, but I just couldn't bring myself to cook these beauties. They were so sweet and delicious.

I searched for a way to serve them fresh in a dessert that would let them shine in all their beauty.

I found the perfect recipe in this Fresh Cherry Tart.

It has a basic graham cracker crust and then a cheesecake-like filling, that doesn't require any baking time.
The cherries are pitted and halved, then glazed with a small amount of thinned jam.

This tart was absolutely perfect. Crowd pleaser, beautiful and delicious.

Recipe for Fresh Cherry Tart
* the 1/4 cup sugar that you add to the filling is missing from the ingredient list, but in the instructions it tells you when to add it


  1. NO BAKED FRUIT???? he he. This is just so gorgeous and I bet tasty

  2. wow -- my husband would love this!

    you have a great blog -- I'm following now via Google Reader.

  3. That looks so beautiful. Don't you love pretty food?

  4. What a beautiful looking dessert! So elegant :)

  5. My husband brought home a huge bag of free cherries from the vineyard at work, and I spent days searching the internet for a good Cherry tart recipe! Eventually I find yours, and I went to bake it and would you believe my cherries had gone off! I'm so disappointed cause this looks so delicious!


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Mary Ann