Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TWD- Quick Classic Berry Tart and last week's Burnt Sugar Ice Cream

This week's TWD recipe, Quick Classic Berry Tart, was chosen by Cristine- who blogs over at Cooking with Cristine. You can find the recipe on her blog.
When I saw this pick my first thought was - Easy. Wierd, how Dorie's book has completely transformed me into a baker who thinks making pastry cream and a tart crust is a piece of cake. We have done it so many times with TWD that it is easy.

I took my girls to a local farm to pick strawberries, so I knew that strawberries would make an appearance on our tarts. I also found blackberries & blueberries on sale, so we had all three.
I decided to make mini tarts and give them away. I made 1/3 recipe of the pastry cream, using a combination of skim milk and half&half (I didn't have any whole milk) and the whole tart dough recipe. I made 3 mini tarts- pressed the dough into the pans and then pressed the rest of the dough into a larger tart pan. I put them all in the freezer. The next day, I baked the mini tart shells, filled them with cream and decorated them with berries. I used Simply Fruit (raspberry & blackberry) as the glaze on my tarts. The amount of pastry cream I made filled the 3 mini tarts perfectly.

I took one to my neighbor across the street who gives me fresh eggs from his chickens- since I used his eggs. And the other 2 to my in-laws.

Of course all those who tasted the tarts raved about their deliciousness. Who thought anything else would happen?

Go check out the other beautiful tarts that my fellow TWDer's made this week!
Since I had the eggs out and was making a mess in the kitchen anyway, I decided to mix up the custard for the Burnt Sugar Ice Cream that was chosen by Becky last week. It was the most fun I have ever had making ice cream. Watching the caramel seize into a big blob when you add the cold milk/cream (I used 1 cup of skim milk & 1 cup of half&half instead of 2 cups whole milk) and then having it come together into a smooth mixture was so fun to experience. Everyone raved about it last week and rightfully so- It is one of the best ice creams I have ever tasted. My husband was amazed by the silky texture and delicious taste.
The recipe is HERE. If you need more encouragement to make it, check out the links from all the TWD members who made it.


  1. Your girls are adorable! And all those fresh strawberries. We're a month away from fresh fruit. Beautifully done!

  2. I love that first picture of your girls with all those strawberries!

    Your tarts look so delicious. I am so making minis as soon I can find mini tart pans :-)

  3. Love the double Dorie. Two treats always better than one.

    I don't know which ones are prettier - the girls or the tart!!

    Tarts do look lovely. And the ice cream was fun, wasn't it.

  4. I miss the local strawberry farms! How fun! Your tarts looks scrumptious.

  5. Such a pretty tart! and sweet little kitchen helpers :)

  6. What beautiful mini tarts, Mary Ann (and such gorgeous little girls!) Picking fresh berries for these had to be so much fun. Fresh berries, fresh eggs - these had to be incredible!

  7. Great photo of your girls chomping on the fresh strawberries! Your tarts are so pretty and perfect. I can see them in a bakery window right now!

  8. Oh, and your ice cream looks fabulous as well! I agree - this is one of the best ice creams I've ever tasted!

  9. All of it looks great, the ice cream, the berry tarts, but especially the Littles! Such cuties, and this photo of them eating the strawberries is just darling.

  10. I love the picture of the girls eating strawberries. I have tons of these shots of my sons doing the same thing last summer. You have a neighbor who gives you eggs..I am super jealous!

  11. Your tarts look great with all the different berries (and the ice cream- wow!) Awesome job Mary Ann!

  12. Awww, what a cute pic of your girls! Gorgeous tarts.

  13. OMG... that is a LOT of berries! I'm jealous over here :) Looks like a fun time in your kitchen!

  14. Your girls are loving those strawberries!! Great picture!

    Your tarts look amazin'!

  15. yours girls are gorgeous!! Look at all those strawberries! YUM! The mini tarts look amazing!

  16. Thank you for baking with me this week! Your tarts (and ice cream) look fantastic!

  17. What cute little helpers you have! Your tarts look delicious with the soft pastry cream peaking out. No surprise they were a big hit with the lucky recipients!

  18. Your tarts and the girls look amazing.

  19. Both of your desserts look delicious, Mare, and now I have my eye on that strawberry-rhubarb confection in the last post! Love the picture of your girls with the berries.

  20. Whoa...look at all of those luscious berries you guys picked! Can't wait for strawberry picking here, too! Gorgeous!

  21. Two great ones in a row! Looks fantastically delicious! :)

  22. Your tarts look great. I'm a little jealous about the fresh berries, they just aren't around here.
    And I love your lower fat version of the burnt ice cream.

  23. Wonderful girls, strawberries, fresh eggs, and ice cream !!!!WOW

  24. your tarts look great, but just like your girls, i'd be perfectly happy wth a tray full of fresh picked berries!!

  25. Your mini tarts look great! I'm so jealous of your freshly picked strawberries and fresh eggs! ;-)

  26. I went the mini route this week too Mary Ann :) Your little tarts are adorable and I love the photos of your girls.

    Glad the ice cream was a hit too!

  27. your tarts are cute and look so delicious. how fun to go pick the strawberries.

    I'm so happy you loved the ice cream and had a good time making it. Thanks so much for making it. I've had so much fun with TWD. Can't believe my pick has come and gone.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann