Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fruit Bruschetta

So, are you tired of hearing about the food we enjoyed on my brother's birthday?
I hope not, because this is a really yummy one.

I decided to make my brother a special birthday breakfast and had seen a couple of great ideas that I wanted to try.
My brother loves bread, cereal, muffins, and oats. He could live on those items. He eats a lot of bread. and cereal. and oats. And not just at breakfast time. When we lived in Utah, he would often come home from school and eat a bowl of cereal with a couple pieces of bread.

Anyway, he also loves yogurt.
So, when I saw this idea of fruit bruschetta- a toasted baguette with a little butter and cinnamon sugar, topped with delicious mixed fruit and drizzled with yogurt- I knew this was the breakfast I was going to make him.

I saw a couple of different version's and decided to use the one I saw on Annie's Eats. She used a combination of pineapple, kiwi, strawberries, and bananas. I added some lemon zest to the fruit mixture just to up the flavor a little bit.
I also used a whole wheat baguette. Usually I don't ever put butter on toast, but I figured a little bit for this special breakfast would be okay. I melted the butter before hand and then used a pastry brush to just get a dab on the toasted bread slices.

This was a delicious twist on bruschetta and breakfast. A little time consuming, but completely worth it. It would be great for brunch or Mother's Day or even a mid-day snack. Yummy, yummy, yummy.

The birthday boy was very happy.
I added lemon zest to the fruit
Recipe for Fruit Bruschetta on Annie's Eats

Recipe for Fruit Bruschetta on The Way the Cookie Crumbles


  1. That looks really yummy. I love fruits with yogurt.

  2. Hi Mary Ann,

    Happy birthday to your brother! This recipe looks refreshing and tasty--a lovely way to start a festive day.

    I thank you for your nice comment. Things have been busy for me as well since I've entered my OT program.

    I am so happy that you continue to enjoy the Quinoa casserole. I have made many different versions of it in the past year. It's a perfect dish to take to school. I'll get around to posting them eventually.:-)

    Take care,

  3. This looks perfect to make for my Mom on Mother's day!


  4. mmmm we love fruit bruschetta. Some day I'll get around to posting ours

  5. These look so good - I love bruschetta, but have never thought of trying it with fruit - what a great idea!

  6. These look so good Mary Ann! They'd be a fabulous addition to my Mother's Day brunch this weekend. I'll have to see what I can find for fruit at the store this week :)

  7. Yum! Maybe I'll make these for my mom for Mother's Day.

  8. What a clever idea! I love it.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann