Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TWD-Swedish Visiting Cake

This weeks TWD recipe, Swedish Visiting Cake, was chosen by Nancy who blogs over at The Dogs Eat the Crumbs. I love Nancy's blog. She always gives such great descriptions of the dishes she makes and I have used countless recipes and pieces of advice from her.
You can find the recipe on Nancy's blog and I think you will want to find it because this is as simple and delicious as cakes can get.

I made this for our Easter dinner. It was so easy. Everything just mixed quickly in a bowl and then was ready to be baked in a cast iron skillet. I don't have a cast iron skillet, so I used my pyrex pie pan, which was one of the alternate baking pans that Dorie suggested using. The only problem I had was that the cake didn't get very brown on the top or the bottom.

I wanted the top to be nice and brown, so I put it under the broiler for a few minutes. I should'ved watched it closer because it got a little too brown, but at least it didn't burn.

Everyone loved this cake. It had great almond flavor and the lemon zest added a little extra zing which was really nice too.
I will definitely be making this again because it is simple, quick and so yummy!

Go check out the TWD Blogroll and see what everyone else thought about this cake!


  1. Looks perfect! I like the brown on yours! I am glad your family enjoyed this - my family loved it too!!

  2. I was wondering how you got so much color on your cake - the broiler, brilliant! It looks fabulous. I agree - this is a keeper.

  3. The cake looks fabulous! The broiler trick was a stroke of genius.

  4. I have to agree with everyone here abou the trick with the broiler to caramelized it event more. I'm so stealing this trick, because this cake has been requested again at my house, so I'm making it again this week.

  5. Ah, your broiled it to get that lovelt top. I also used pyrex and found it pale, but still delicious.
    Well done!

  6. great browning... i can just taste the delicious carmelization. mmmm that's the best part.

  7. Perfectly brown! I really liked this too!!

  8. I love the color of your cake!! Your almonds look so toasty!

  9. Thanks for such a nice comment! The broiler... now there's a great idea! I don't think it looks too dark at all - it's a beautiful looking cake! I loved this cake - and am going to try this method next time... which will probably be this weekend!

  10. Love the wonderful golden brown color on your cake. Makes it all the more tempting!

  11. What a great idea to make it for Easter. Im thinking that and Christmas breakfast too! Your cake looks fantastic!

  12. What a great idea! Next time I'm going to put mine under the broiler, too. Yours just looks so delicious all lovely and toasty!

  13. I think that lovely golden cake was a perfect addition to your Easter table. I've found Pyrex to be tricky for baking, so it's good to know the broiler can help with the browning. Thanks for baking along with me this week.

  14. This was a great cake. It is nice to see that everyone likes it.

  15. Good save putting it under the broiler. Love how nice and golden brown your crust looks. Maybe next time I might have a little fun with my creme brulee torch too :)

  16. I like the browning you got from putting it under the broiler. Looks fabulous!

  17. As I was reading about you saying yours didn't get much color and looking at your pictures I thought you had fabulous color. Never would have thought to broil the top. It looks great.
    Loved this simple, yummy cake.

  18. It looks so great, all toasted up and deep golden brown. I have a new favorite in this cake! So yummy.

  19. This was a great cake wasn't it. Almost too easy to be sooo good.

    Like the way you got a nice brown top. Very creative way and didn't dry the cake out like cooking longer would have.

  20. It looks beautiful - perfect Easter dessert! GREAT idea to throw it under the broiler for a few minutes - I will need to try that next time to get that irresistible golden color!

  21. Oh, this would be perfect for Easter dinner, just the right ending. Looks wonderful from here.

  22. Love those toasty almonds! This must have been a wonderful Easter dessert.


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Mary Ann