Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TWD- Chockablock Cookies

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, Chockablock Cookies, was chosen by Mary over at Popsicles and Sandy Feet.
You can find the recipe on her blog.

Honestly, I was going to skip this recipe. Cookies aren't my favorite thing to make and there wasn't a picture of these to entice me. They sounded fine enough, with tons of mix-ins, but I just didn't know. Plus, they call for shortening, which is a no-no for me. Meaning, I don't ever have shortening on hand because I don't buy it. I wasn't about to go and buy shortening just for a cookie.

Then I decided- why not? Playgroup was the next day, so I could just take them as a treat for the kids.
I mixed these up and let the dough sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes, while I put my kids to bed.
I made 1/2 of the recipe and got 25 cookies.
I used golden raisins, peanuts, coconut and chocolate chunks as my mix-ins.
I let them cool, plated and wrapped them for the next day and went to bed.

I was curious about the molasses flavor and I tried one out of pure curiousity.
Plus I figured that since my cookies were somewhat small and I had only used 6 Tbls of butter for 1/2 the recipe, that each cookie only had 1/4 Tbls of butter, which makes it sound perfectly okay to consume a cookie. Don't you love how much thought goes into whether or not I can try a cookie? HA!

I thought that the molasses flavor was almost non-existent, except when a bite w/out a chocolate chunk was taken. Then it was faintly in the cookie.

These turned out to be pretty good. Someone at playgroup thought they tasted like trail mix cookies.
Some kids just ate them. Some picked out the raisins. Some picked out the nuts. My picky son ate them with no complaints and no removal of ingredients, which surprised me.
So, overall I thought these were a success. Not something I would have picked to try without the help of other TWD'ers, but something that I will make again.

Go see what everyone else thought about these loaded cookies by checking out the TWD Blogroll!


  1. I like small cookies. I use my teaspoon scoop when they say to make them large. Thus, yours are perfect for me.

  2. I like small cookies too. Then I don't feel so guilty when I get seconds. Nice pictures!

  3. I didn't use molasses because I didn't think it would play well with the chocolate

  4. I've become a small cookie person myself. This way I don't feel so bad about having one after lunch and then again after dinner!

    I like your mix-ins...they have a little something for everyone!

  5. They look great and I'm glad that everyone enjoyed them, in their own way. Glad you gave 'em a try!

  6. I was going to skip them too, but found them delightful. Yours look great!

  7. This was one tasty cookie, it will be a repeat!

  8. Im glad you tried them. They look great!

  9. Sounds like they were a hit with the playgroup! They look really yummy!

  10. I used maple syrup and you couldn't really taste it either. Glad they were enjoyed!

  11. Those look absolutely wonderful! Here's the thought that goes into my eating a cookie: "Is there any way I can eat around those chocolate parts?" If the answer is yes, I partake, if not, it's a diet week.

  12. I am glad they were a hit with playgroup. Thanks so much for baking along with me this week!

  13. trail mix cookies - i like that name.

  14. Glad you gave them a try. I used pecans, but peanuts sound good. Will have to try that next time.

  15. I wouldn't have picked this one either, but ended up really enjoying them! I bet they were a hit at playgroup! It just wouldn't be a playgroup snack if kids weren't picking things out of the food, would it?

  16. Mine were smaller than called for, too. Not a big fan of these. Too much fruit. Fortunately the guys liked them.

  17. They look wonderful. I love to make cookies. I always parchment paper (less clean-up) and I have a small ice cream scoop that makes each one the perfect shape and size. Can't wait to try these.

  18. I'm glad you liked the cookies! They look absolutely delicious! I chuckled at the idea of the kids picking out the raisins out of the cookies haha!

  19. These cookies were a good surprise!I made big monster cookies!

  20. Your cookies look perfect!! I didn't use molasses but golden syrup, subbed the shortening for margarine and added golden raisins, pecans, chocolate chunks and coconut.

  21. I opted out of using molasses (used Lyle's Golden Syrup instead), and loved these cookies. Sounds like these cookies were a hit with the kiddies- a very good sign!

  22. I laughed at the idea of all these little kids standing around picking things out of their cookies (but I guess it's not so funny for the person who has to clean it all up!) They look wonderful. I went all butter, too.

  23. they look great! i'd eat them with no second thoughts or analysis! :)

  24. Glad these were a surprise hit for you! I purposely included ingredients I don't like so I wouldn't be tempted :) I sometimes do the same thing as you - calculate how much butter is in each treat before deciding if it's worth eating!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann