Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

For St. Patrick's Day this year we had our usual green food, but I also wanted to try something that was naturally green. I had a ton of mint leaves and found this recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, which looked absolutely delicious and sounded fabulous.

I made the custard and when I reached for my ice cream maker, I realized I had forgotten to freeze the canister. I could have just put it in the freezer right then and let the custard hang out in the fridge for a day, but we had to eat the green ice cream that night!! That's when these instructions came to the rescue. This ice cream is proof that this method works- You can make creamy ice cream without an ice cream maker.

The mint flavor in this ice cream was better than any other mint flavored ice cream I have had. It was completely different from store bought mint chocolate chip, but tasted so real. My kids LOVED it. Hubs wasn't a fan, but the rest of us didn't care! More for us.
If you are familiar with fresh mint and like the flavor, I highly recommend this ice cream. Plus, it has a beautiful light green color that comes completely from the leaves themselves.
The flavor was so clean and refreshing. This ice cream was a winner for us in every way.

* I used semi-sweet chocolate in my ice cream

Recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

How to make Ice Cream without an ice cream maker


  1. This looks fantastic! I was planning to make mint chip ice cream this coming weekend for my sister's birthday, but then I decided to do her other favorite instead -- hazelnut gelato. I'll definitely make the mint at some point too. I absolutely love fresh mint flavor over store-bought. And if I ever forget to freeze my canister, I'm checking back here!

  2. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream so much! It's my favorite flavor and one I'll be having a lot this summer :) Thanks for sharing the link to making ice cream without an ice cream maker - I have one but forget to freeze the canister all the time...

  3. I just made a dairy free version of this. To make it green I added spinach!

  4. I LOVE Mint chocolate chip! Looks fantastic! I'm glad to know the method of making ice cream without a machine. I often forget to freeze my canister too.

  5. This looks absolutely delicious. This is my first visit to your blog but I'll be back often to see what else you've been cookin' up. Have a fantastic day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Mare- I want this ice cream right now! Too bad you can't send me a package of it!


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Mary Ann