Tuesday, March 2, 2010

TWD- Toasted Coconut Custard Tart

This week's TWD recipe, Toasted Coconut Custard Tart, was chosen by Beryl, who blogs over at Cinemon Girl.
You can find the recipe for the custard and topping, slightly adapted on her blog- HERE. You can find a great post and the recipe for the Sweet Tart Dough- HERE (minus the lemon zest).
This was the tart that I almost made and then didn't and then did- again and again and again.
I knew that our family couldn't eat the entire tart, so I didn't really want to make the whole thing and then I talked myself out of making it entirely because I am trying to eat less sugar.
Not baking makes the don't-consume-sugar thing a tad bit easier.

But, I really wanted to make it because tarts are so pretty. They might be my favorite thing to make at the moment.
I have made pastry cream/custard a million times. The tart crust- no problem.
I just needed someone who loved coconut that would take the tart off of my hands.

I asked my hubby if his boss liked coconut. He said yes.
Problem solved.

I knew I wanted to use my rectangular tart pan, so I made 2/3 of the custard (also because I only had 5 eggs and needed one for the tart crust).
I made the recipe as is, except for the rum. I omitted it from the custard and the topping.
I added a little bit more vanilla extract instead.

My girls helped me make the custard, crust and topping. We put it all together and took it to my husbands work.
It was much appreciated.
My daughters made sure that we kept a couple of little square pieces for us, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to use this particular tart pan- you can cut lots of smaller squares and it ends up serving more people.

I didn't try the tart or any part of it. But my girls did and they loved it. Hubby's boss loved it.
And I am sure it was good because I have tasted Dorie's pastry creams/custards, crusts and toppings before and they are magnificent.
Check out the TWD Blogroll to see who else loved this tart!


  1. Mary Ann, your tart is SO pretty! I'm pretty envious of your rectangular tart pan -- it's so elegant. I bet your husband's boss really liked this tart!

  2. Wow, you have so much will power! To not even taste a tiny bit! It looks absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure it was delicious. I love coconut :)

  3. Gorgeous! I love your photos, I will have to make this one very soon!

  4. I keep seeing all these great tart shapes! Your tart is gorgeous (and sure looks delicious!)

  5. I just heart your rectangle tart pan, and how you decorate it.

    Just gorgeous.

  6. That's beautiful!! I love, love, love that tart pan.

  7. Looks great! I've been wanting a tart pan like yours for awhile...maybe with my tax return!

  8. Your rectangular tart is so pretty Mary Ann! I bought a rectangular tart pan months ago but still haven't used it. Thanks for the reminder :) Glad this was a hit with your husband's boss and your family! I wish I'd left the rum out too because it was overpowering to me.

  9. I love your rectangular tast! You have great will power for not trying it! I absolutely love coconut. I didnt make this, but I know I would be able to devour the whole thing!

  10. I love how you piped your whipped topping. Beautiful!

  11. Yours looks fantastic! I like the sprinkled coconut on top. I should've done that but went with chocolate shavings instead.

  12. beautiful tart! way to show major self control not tasting it

  13. a brilliant way to score points with the boss--looks great!

  14. Your tart looks de-lish and fabulous. Love the rectangular pan and great job on the piping of the cream. I always have issues with that. (I just need better tips for my piping bag, I think.)

  15. Beautiful! Your hubby's boss is so lucky! I'm trying not to eat sugar too - why is this so difficult? People say it gets easier after a few days, I'm still waiting ...

    Gorgeous job on the tart, Mary Ann! Glad your kiddos enjoyed it too!

  16. Oh I love this font Mary Ann and the tart pan is making me jealous! I think the serving more people and portion control might make me officially need to buy a rectangular tart pan. Awesome job on the piping, too. It looks great.

    I didn't make this either (kind of loses it's appeal when you don't like coconut or do rum, right?) but I think I agree that anything with Dorie's pastry and custard can only be delicious!

  17. What a lovely tart, start to finish! I am very impressed with the evenly toasted coconut. I don't think I could resist trying this one.

  18. Your long rectangular tart has captured my heart. The piped whipped cream is beautiful. You and the girls did a fantastic job.

  19. I am smitten with your rectangular pan and your whipped cream piping skills. I think I need that pan. And can I just give a fellow baker props for not eating one bite?? Willpower. *high five*

  20. It looks divine! I can imagine the toaste coconut going so well with the creamy custard

  21. Mary Ann that tart looks fabulous. I love the rectangle shape of it. Very creative. I bet I would have loved this one! Very elegant.

  22. My heart be still! Your presentation is amazing! Oh how I love coconut!

  23. So pretty...love how you swirled that topping. I made the whole thing figuring guys would eat it all, but not sure they can do it without help as it is so very rich.

  24. This is an especially wonderful-looking tart! Your husband's boss is one lucky individual. Love the rectangular shape - so modern and unique - and love the way you piped the topping on there. Here's to les sugar (as I just bought another 10lb bag last nigh). hm... well the tart is beautiful!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann