Monday, March 8, 2010

One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting

I just can't seem to throw away leftover frosting.
And in my house, there is always leftover frosting after we have made cookies or cupcakes or whatever. Always.
Not a lot of frosting, but a couple of tablespoons or 1/2 cup, just enough to warrant a little plastic container, a lid, and a nice stay in the refrigerator.

Such was the case with this Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese frosting that I made a couple of weeks ago to be sandwiched between some of these Red Velvet Whoopie Pies.
This frosting was the more popular one between the 2 we had that day and it is one of the best frostings I have made recently. It has just a enough cream cheese flavor, but not overpowering and the vanilla bean is magical, somehow intensifying the flavor.
I absolutely love those little black flecks the vanilla bean leaves behind.

I decided to make some mini cupcakes, a recipe I have made before- Martha Stewarts One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes. I made a 1/2 batch of the cupcakes and had just enough frosting to give each mini cupcakes a cute little dollop of frosting.
The combination of this cupcake recipe and the frosting was really good. Plus, when treats are this small you can get away with eating 2 or 3 and not feeling very guilty since they are so small and cute.

Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting from The Food Network Magazine
8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
1 vanilla bean, halved lengthwise and seeds scraped

Beat the cream cheese and butter with a mixer until smooth. Beat in the confectioners' sugar and vanilla seeds.

Recipe for One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes


  1. Haha, how cute! Love the little star of frosting piped on top. :)

  2. This look so cute and delicious!


    Doña Masita

  3. Waste not, want not! Nice job using all the yummy frosting up.

  4. They are so pretty. The star makes all the difference in appearance.

  5. They are so pretty. The star makes all the difference in appearance.

  6. Those are adorable...I'll never throw out extra frosting again!

  7. There is truly very little I love more in life than cream cheese frosting. I usually just eat my leftovers though. With a spoon.

    Love these cupcakes!

  8. These are darling! I love the idea of the vanilla bean frosting. how yummy is that!

  9. They are so cute and yummy looking!

  10. These are my favorite chocolate cupcakes ever - whenever I need chocolate cake, this is my go-to. I'm always on the hunt for great frosting, though, and the vanilla bean cream cheese frosting sounds fabulous! And as always, your pictures are stunning!

  11. We love those cupcakes, very moist and so easy too!

  12. I find it astonishing that one would live in a world where leftover icing exists. Have you no spoon to polish it off??

  13. Good things come in small packages. These are adorable. And cream cheese icing with chocolate! sounds wonderful!!

  14. Ooooh! Vanilla bean cream cheese frosting!? That sounds SO SO SO SO SO SO GOOD! I need to try that!

  15. Throwing away left over frosting in my house is a sin! hehe

  16. I could imagine how the vanilla beans aroma would perfectly compliment a scent of sinfulness.


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Mary Ann