Thursday, February 11, 2010

Frozen Grapefruit Shirley Temple

Here is another option for Valentine's Day.
This is a light and fruity dessert.

We have been eating tons of grapefruit this winter. They are in season and fairly cheap. My girls and I like to eat them for breakfast and my 5 year old is convinced that if we plant the grapefruit seeds, we will soon have our own grapefruit tree.

I was looking through one of my 3 ring binders that is full of recipes which I have torn out of magazines and I noticed this recipe.
I just happen to have some ginger ale in the pantry, as well as maraschino cherries. I bought both of them months ago, for some sort of drink that never happened.
I also had some V8 Fusion juice in the fridge, so I had everything I needed to throw this recipe together.
All you have to do is stir the 4 ingredients together, then freeze them in a metal pan, scraping them with a fork a couple of times.

When you are ready to serve, put a little cherry on top and you are ready to go.
How cute are they?
This little treat can be so fun for kids and adults.
You can serve it in a pretty little glass cup and everyone will feel festive.
Not to mention how delicious it is.
It is a sweet treat, but you don't have to feel guilty about eating this one. No fat involved. Sure there is plenty of sugar, but hopefully the freshly squeezed grapefruit juice makes it a little bit better for you then a cookie or something.

We really loved this one.

I used V8 V-Fusion Goji Raspberry Juice, because I had it in my fridge.
Recipe for Frozen Grapefruit Shirley Temple


  1. Oh that looks so refreshing Mary Ann. Perfect for a Valentine's Day brunch or perhaps as a toast to National Texas Grapefruit Month which is also celebrated in February. Thanks for sharing...

  2. Refreshing is right! I love grapefruit. Just the smell puts me in a good mood! I've got two grapefruit on my counter right now, and cherries in the fridge!

  3. Mmm.. we have been eating grapefruit every morning lately. I think it's the winter weather giving me Vitamin C cravings. I think I have those same little dishes and am actually posting about some sherbet soon that is photgraphed in them!

  4. I love the twist on the Shirley Temple!

  5. Such a pretty dessert! We have been eating a lot of citrus this winter too!
    Your site is so cute!


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Mary Ann