Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes

I celebrated my recent birthday at Disney World. If you celebrate you birthday while you are on vacation there, you can get into the park free on that day.
We had already bought our tickets, so I received a gift card that had the same amount of money it would have cost to buy 1 ticket to Disney World.
I wasn't really planning on buying any souvenirs for myself on this trip, but since I was handed a gift card that had money on it, I decided I might just buy myself something.

It wasn't too hard to narrow down my choices. I knew I would probably get something that I could use in the kitchen.
One of the items I chose was the Mickey Mouse-shaped pancake/egg mold that I used to make these pancakes.
It isn't the same mold that the Food Librarian used when she made these Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes, but the plate is the same.

I decided that I should try out a new pancake recipe and found these Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes.
I made a double batch and my kids really liked them.
I made half of the batter into waffles and froze those for school mornings, when we are in a hurry.
This recipe was really good and really quick to mix together. I will definitely make them again!

Recipe for Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes


  1. what a fun way to spend your birthday! your mickey cakes are cute! i love whole wheat in pancakes...makes them even tastier, i think!

  2. I saw your picture and was thinking "how in the world do her mickey mouse pancakes look so perfect!" because mine certainly don't look that great. Woila! A pancake mold. I love it!

  3. Soo cute! Glad you got the gift card...I haven't spent mine just extends my birthday! :) I'm sure your kids went crazy for these!!

    My mold is originally for eggs but I threw some pancakes in them. Your mold is awesome because it is bigger!
    - mary

  4. So fun and go Disney for reimbursing you. I dread the days when my kids are grown enough to be eating wheat pancakes. Oh hum! I will love them at each age right? I just love this little baby so much.

  5. Dad and I laughed when we saw the mickey mouse pancakes. You are a cutie-pie!

  6. Wow great you bought those moulds. The pancakes look so cute...I am sure you must have had a superfun birthday !!

  7. How fun that you got to spend your birthday in the Happiest Place on Earth! I worked there for a semester in college and I still love Disney. I haven't been in forever . . .

    On to the pancakes! Your pancakes are so cute, and I love that they're whole wheat. I like to make pancakes for dinner from time to time, I will definitely try this recipe out.

  8. These are so cute!! I really want to go to Disney again soon and if I do, one of these molds is on the souvenir list for sure :)

  9. I'm a huge Disney-fan, love the pancakes!!!

  10. Cute pancakes and healthy too! Love them!

  11. Glad you had your birthday at's such a happy place.

    The pancake mold is really fun and I love your whole wheat pancake recipe. My grandfather used to make the most delicious buckwheat pancakes...he even had a starter!

  12. quick question: whenever I make buttermilk pancakes the outside gets nearly burnt, but the inside is RUNNY, yucky, completely not done. Any tips?

  13. We celebrated my kids' bdays at Disney over the summer. We had such a blast! One of my daughter's favorite things were all the Mickey Mouse shaped breakfast foods, so this would be a fast favorite for her.
    : )

  14. We had these for breakfast yesterday. Definately fluffy and flavorful. (And easy.)


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Mary Ann